Parents’ Meeting Year 5/6 2017/18
Staff in KS2 Year 5 – Mrs Rose, Miss Kilner, Miss Brain Year 6 – Mrs Pease, Miss Adshead, Mrs Ogden, Mrs Wyrill
Organise their own belongings and their own work. Independence Organise their own belongings and their own work. Conduct themselves in a mature and sensible fashion throughout the school – setting the example. Choosing appropriate times to speak to staff and parents about things they need e.g. letters
Term 1 – That’s entertainment! Topic Work Term 1 – That’s entertainment! Term 2 – Snow worries! Term 3 – Monkey business
Literacy Taught by Mrs Rose in the Y5 classroom Daily SPAG lessons including mini weekly tests Reading comprehension Spellings given out Monday, test on Friday Linked to topic
Numeracy All taught by Mrs Pease and Mrs Wyrill in the Y6 classroom Mental maths starter Broken up into fluency, reasoning and problem solving Presentation Speed tables – requirement 12 x 12
Science Term 2 Term 1 Term 3 Classification Light Electricity Term 2 Classification Keeping healthy Term 3 Evolution and adaptation
PHSE Sex and relationships Education for Y6 – after SATs
Homework Grid until Christmas. 3 pieces for half term, 2 up to Christmas Revision guides (SPAG, reading, maths) Given out after half term Building up usage After Christmas, weekly revision as homework
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