Fall Federal Grant Programs Conference October 23, 2017 ESOL for Parents: An Effective Way to Strengthen Family-School Partnerships Fall Federal Grant Programs Conference October 23, 2017
English for New Bostonian’s Mission ENB’s mission is to invest in the future of our region by creating opportunities for English language learners to pursue their educational, economic and civic aspirations. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
ENB Mission continued ENB makes free and affordable English-language classes available to over 1000 immigrants in Massachusetts every year. We focus on innovative programs that are located in immigrants’ neighborhoods, workplaces and schools, and are customized to their experiences and goals. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Why ESOL for Parents? --Parents have common interests and concerns. --Parent ESOL leads to increased parent engagement in children’s learning. Parent ESOL helps two generations at the same time. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
ESOL for Parents and Caregivers Curriculum Helps immigrant parents learn English and learn how to support their children’s success in school Is a contextualized, school related curriculum which teaches English in the context of schools, education, parenting and community resources. Is available on line at www.englishfornewbostonians/for-teachers Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
The Contents Topic 1: Navigating BPS Six Units, 28 Activities Topic 2: School Involvement Five Units, 21 Activities Topic 3: Supporting Children’s Learning 10 Units, 46 Activities Note: The complete listing is printed in the conference booklet, following the slides of this presentation. Look at Topic, Unit and Activity List Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Sample Activity From Topic 2: Supporting Children’s Learning Unit 2 Parent-Teacher Conferences Activity #3: Preparing for Your Teacher Conference Note: The sample activity is printed in the conference booklet, following the slides and the topic/activity list. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Activity Format Each activity in the curriculum is formatted in a standard way: --Rationale --Student Objectives --Materials (handouts, links to videos & texts) --Activity Outline --Follow-up Activities Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Can you Adapt the Curriculum? YES To use in districts outside of Boston To use in general adult ESOL classes To use in parenting groups To use with more beginning or more advanced students. For more information, go to the “How to Use the Curriculum” link at http://www.englishfornewbostonians.org/for-teachers/ Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
To adapt to districts outside of Boston If curriculum materials are specific to Boston, use the approach suggested, but with materials from your district. Your district calendar for the school year Your district report card Your district attendance policy Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Why ESOL for Parents? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Why ESOL for Parents? “This is my first English class since I came to the US in 2010. It has helped me learn many things about the school I didn’t know before. Like how to read the report cards and how I can go to the library to get help with homework for my children. I learned I can speak to my child’s teacher with confidence and how to write a note to her when my son is sick. Now I go to the Parent Council. I want to know how the school works and everything about what parents can do.” Istahil Ali, Somalian Parent, 3/2017 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Research shows that children benefit when parents are actively engaged in their education better attendance higher grades and better test scores higher promotion rates better social skills and behavior better adaptation to school more likely to graduate and continue studying From National Center on Family Learning Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Browsing the Curriculum Go to: www.englishfornewbostonian.org/for-teacher *Each unit in the curriculum is an active link. Download the unit and scroll through the activities and handouts. *Handouts are word documents which teachers can modify. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
ESOL for Parents: An Effective Way to Strengthen Family-School Partnerships Presenters: Susan Klaw, ENB Parent Initiative Consultant & Curriculum Developer susanklaw@gmail.com Lee Haller, Program Manager ENB Lhaller@englishfornewbostonians.org Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education