Year 3/4 Aquila Class
We will be talking about: Values for Life and Skills for Learning Start of the day/End of the day Our topic Spellings Homework Parents Evening Questions
Values for Life Our new ‘Values for Life’ are 5 Christian values which we have decided to focus on within our school. They are Kindness Respect Courage Friendship Responsibility These values are expected to run through every aspect of school life and we will be encouraging and teaching children how to incorporate these in daily life.
Skills for learning Our ‘Skills for Learning’ are 5 core skills which we believe help children to become successful learners. They are: Aim high Collaborate Focus Persevere Reflect We will do our best to provide learners with opportunities to practice these skills as often as we can throughout the working week.
Start of the day/End of the day The Aquila classroom door will open at 8:45am. There will be a member of staff waiting there to hear any messages you may have. If you have something more important to discuss, you can make an appointment at this time. Alternatively, you can email the office. If someone other than you is picking up your child at the end of the day, please be sure to tell a member of staff when you drop off at 8:45am or email the office by 2:30pm at the latest.
Spelling We have recently changed the way we teach spelling at Brimscombe. We are now using a scheme which helps us to teach children spelling in many different ways which will cater for every different learning style. Each term, a list of spelling words will be posted on the Aquila page of our school website. These words are from a statutory list taken from the National Curriculum. We will teach spelling 4x a week but would encourage parents to use this list to practice some of the strategies from the handout each term.
Homework Homework will continue to run as normal. Each term, children will get a ‘choice board’ of activities which they can choose from. We will collect the homework books in fortnightly and give them back out the same week. The dates for collection will be on the choice board which is in the homework book. Please encourage your child to take part in completing the homework. We have tried to find activities that will cater to lots of different strengths, however, we also encourage children to try something new. A record of the homework should be put into books. It can be photos, writing or drawings. As always, please encourage your child to take pride in their work. All homework choice boards will be posted onto the Aquila page of the website.
Upcoming dates Thursday 5th October – Grandparents afternoon Friday 13th October – Outdoor Learning day Tuesday 17th October 3:30pm-5:30pm – Parents Evening Wednesday 18th October 5:30pm-7:30pm – Parents Evening Thursday 19th October (time to be confirmed) – Church service