21st Century Skills Critical Thinking Creativity Collaboration Communication
Responsibilities Students must... • Read more non- fiction Start with subjects they LIKE
Parents can... Read non-fiction texts aloud or with your child Find a topic your child is passionate about. Spend time together at the library looking for books that interest your child. If they enjoy the beach read books about the beach!
Learn about the world by reading Students must... Gain knowledge in Science and Social Studies through reading
Science & Social Studies Training Students to make observations Students learn to ask their own questions. Students make predictions. Students learn to compare the answers they discover to their original predictions. Students read the text to find their own answers.
Discuss reading using evidence Students Must... Find evidence to support their arguments
Parents can….. Find books that explain Demand evidence in every day discussions/disagreements Ask their child to explain what they are reading. Parents can explain their thinking aloud, modeling this ability for their child. Parents can ask their child, “Where in the book did it say….”
Writing from Sources Students Must... • Make arguments in writing using evidence
Parents can... • Encourage writing at home Write “books” together and use evidence/ details
Academic Vocabulary Students Must... • Learn the words that they can use in college and career
Parents Can... Read often and constantly with babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and children Read multiple books about the same topic Let your kids see you reading Talk to your children; Read to your children; Listen to your children; Sing with your children; Make up silly rhymes and word games with your children
6 Shifts in Mathematics Focus: learn more about fewer, key topics Build skills within and across grades Develop speed and accuracy Really know it, Really do it Use it in the real world Think fast AND solve problems
The National Mathematics Advisory Panel’s Final Report Success in College depends on…. Success in Algebra…which depends on…. Success with Fractions…which depends on… Success with multiplying, dividing, adding and subtracting with both positive and negative numbers. Which means children MUST learn their MATH FACTS!
Students Must... • UNDERSTAND why the math works. MAKE the math work. TALK about why the math works PROVE that they know why and how the math works
Parents Can... Notice whether your child REALLY knows why the answer is what it is Provide TIME for your child to work hard with math at home Ask your child, “How do you know you have the correct answer? Show me how you solved the problem.”
Mathematics Shift 5: Real World Students Must... Apply math in real situations Know which math to use for which situation
Parents Can... Ask your child to DO the math that comes up in your daily life.
WHAT’S IT ALL MEAN??? Be able to use core math facts FAST AND Be able to apply math in the real world
Loma Verde has purchased reflex math to help all children master the math facts! Students can use the computers in the lab to practice!