Something to Believe In ISMS Something to Believe In ISM Review
* Not an actual ism, but used to make a point Monotheism Isolationism Nationalism Militarism Polytheism Absolutism Capitalism Communism Fascism Humanism Feudalism Manorialism Imperialism Liberalism Conservatism Mercantilism *Pan-Anythingism Socialism Terrorism Zionism Marxism Social Darwinism Fundamentalism Animism * Not an actual ism, but used to make a point
Monotheism Definition: Belief in one God Connections: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Connections:
Isolationism Definition: Connections: Belief that you should stay separate from other countries/people Definition: Japan during Feudal times United States after World War I Connections:
Nationalism Definition: OR Connections: A strong sense of pride in your country OR A desire for a country of your own Definition: Connections: German and Italian Unification Cause of both World Wars
Militarism Definition: Connections: A belief in using your military to get the things your country wants Connections: Nazi Germany Fascist Italy pre - WWI Europe
Polytheism Definition: Connections: Belief in many gods Hinduism Animism Shintoism
Absolutism Definition: Connections: A system where one ruler has absolute control of the government and the people Connections: Age of Absolute Rulers Louis XIV of France Russian Czars
CAPITALI$M Definition: Connections: Economic system where there is private ownership of property and wealth Consumers decide what is bought and sold Definition: Connections: The United States economy is a free-market capitalist system
Communism Definition: Connections: Economic system where the Government commands the economy and there is no private ownership. Connections: Soviet Union Cuba China North Korea Vietnam
Fascism Definition: Connections: A government that promotes extreme nationalism, repression of enemies, anticommunism, and is ruled by a dictator Nazi Germany under Hitler Fascist Italy under Mussolini
Humanism Definition: Connections: The belief in human potential and the strength of the individual Connections: The Golden Age of Athens The Renaissance
Feudalism Definition: Connections: Decentralized system of government based on lords giving land to lesser lords in return for loyalty and protection. Connections: The European Middle Ages Japan
Manorialism Definition: Connections: Economics of the Middle Ages Based on the feudal manor that was: Ruled by a lord Self-sufficient Connections: Medieval Europe/ Middle Ages
Imperialism Definition: Connections: The complete control of a weaker nation by a stronger nation Connections: European colonization The Roman Empire The Mongols
Liberalism Definition: Connections: Way of thinking that supports: Personal freedom Democracy reform Connections: The Enlightenment
Conservatism Definition: Connections: Way of thinking that supports: Traditional ways Want no or only limited change Connections: Age of Absolutism Absolute rulers and dictators are usually conservative rulers
Mercantilism Definition: Connections: Economic policy of a country tries to export more than it imports. Leads to taking colonies for markets and resources Connections: European colonization
Pan-”ANYTHING”ism Definition: Connections: The belief in uniting a certain group with something in common. What they have in common is race, ethnicity, geography, or religion. Connections: Pan-Slavism = Slavic peoples wanted to unite into one country Pan Asianism = Japan wanted to unite all Asian people under their leadership.
Socialism Definition: Connections: Economic system where the people as a whole own all property and run businesses Usually tied to COMMUNISM Connections: Soviet Union China North Korea Vietnam Cuba
Terrorism Definition: Connections: The use of violence, usually against civilians, to gain revenge or achieve political goals. Connections: Plane high-jacking Suicide bombings 9/11 Embassy bombings Assassinations
Zionism Definition: Connections: The belief that there should be a Jewish state in Israel Connections: Modern Day Israel Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Terrorism
Marxism Definition: Connections: Another name for Communism The belief that there should be no private ownership and that wealth should be shared by everyone. Connections: Communism Socialism
Strong should dominate weak Social Darwinism Strong should dominate weak Definition: The belief that certain races or ethnic groups are more fit to survive and are superior to others. Survival of the Fittest Race Connections: Racism Colonialism Apartheid
Fundamentalism Definition: Connections: A belief in strictly following any set of basic ideas or principles Conservative views Connections: Islamic Fundamentalism Christian Fundamentalism
Animism Definition: Connections: Belief that every living and non-living thing in nature has a spirit Connections: Native Americans Traditional African Tribes Voodoo