Muscles The movers in our body Mrs. Sheila Taylor
What are muscles? Specialized cells that use chemical energy to contract. This contraction helps propel fluid and foods, make the heart beat, distribute heat, and of course make us move Three major types of muscle Skeletal Smooth Cardiac
Skeletal muscle structure Composed of Connective tissue Muscle fibers Neuromuscular junctions Motor units
The connective tissue covering Fascia – layers of fibrous connective tissue Separates the individual muscle Holds the muscle in place two ways of attachment Fibers project off the ends of the muscle creating cords called tendons, which intertwines with the periosteum Broad fibrous sheets called aponeuroses that can attach to either bone or other muscle facia Inner layer of tissue is called the epimysium
Coverings continued Perimysium extends into the muscle from the epimysium separates the muscle into small compartments with little bundles of muscle fibers in them Fiber bundles are called fascicles Each fiber in the fascicle lies in the endomysium, a thin connective tissue covering This arrangement allows for some independent movement in the parts of the muscle and for a pathway for blood vessels and nerves to travel into the muscle
Skeletal Muscle Fibers A single cell Contracts when stimulated, and relaxes when the stimulus ends Are thin, elongated with rounded ends, can extend the full length of the muscle Sacrolemma is the cell membrane Sarcoplasma is the cell cytoplasm Has many small oval nuclei and mitochondria Contains lots of myofibril Actin (thin myofibril) and myosin (thick myofibril) Lie parallel to each other Responsible for the striated appearance of the muscle
Striations indepth Two main parts I bands – light bands Consist of actin attached to the Z lines A bands – dark bands Myosin filaments are overlapping the actin filaments the H zone is the area where there is only myosin The M line is where a protein holds the myosin in place In the center of the H zone The area between two Z lines is called a sarcomere Where muscles really contract
A few more bits and pieces Sarcoplasmic reticulum Network of membranous channels that surrounds and runs parallel to the myofibril Transverse tubules (T tubules) Extend inward from the sarcolemma and passes to the other side Filled with extracellular fluid Goes between the cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum It lies on the A band These two activate the contraction
Neuromuscular Junction Each skeletal muscle fiber has its own connection with a motor neuron This is called a neuromuscular junction Muscle side is called a motor end plate Plenty of nuclei and mitochondria Sarcolemma is extensively folded End of the nerve branches and projects into the recesses of the nerve fiber Lots of mitochondria and vesicle filled with neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters are released to travel to the muscle when a stimulus is received
Motor Unit The motor neuron has a highly branched axon One nerve can connect to many muscle fibers One nerve impulse equals many fibers contracting The motor neuron and the muscle fibers are called a motor unit
Skeletal muscle contraction Myosin The molecule Made of two twisted protein strands Has cross bridges which are globular parts that extend outward The filament has many molecules together Actin A globular structure with binding sites for the cross bridges The filament Many actin molecules twist together into a double helix Troponin and tropomyosin are two proteins that wrap around the molecule chain
Sliding filament model A complex action of molecules that cause actin and myosin to slide past one another, shortening the the muscle. The myosin cross bridges attach to the binding the sites on the actin They then bend slightly, pulling the actin filaments together They then release and attach to another binding site and pull some more ATP is broke down to give energy to the myosin so that it can attach to the actin another is used to release it
Stimulus for contraction Nothing happens until the motor neuron is stimulated and release acetylcholine Acetylcholine stimulates a muscle impulse which travels in all directions across the nerve fiber membrane and the T-tubules until finally reaching the sarcoplasm reticulum Sarcoplasmic reticulum release Ca ions from the cisternae The Ca cause troponin and tropomyosin to expose the binding sites to the myosin
Oxygen and muscles Myoglobin Oxygen debt A pigment whose job is to hold onto oxygen, temporarily storing it for the muscle Oxygen debt If the muscle exceeds the amount of oxygen available it will uses lactic acid fermentation to get energy, this creates lactic acid The amount of O needed to convert lactic acid back to glucose, and the amount needed to restore ATP and creatine phosphate to original amount is the debt
Muscle fatigue The lose of a muscles ability to contract Possible causes Interruption or lack of blood supply Lack of acetylcholine Accumulation of lactic acid (most common case) Lowers pH so the the fiber no longer responds to the stimulus Cramps A sustained involuntary contraction Both fatigue and cramps can happen at the same time
Heat production Skeletal muscles are responsible for our body heat Less than half of the energy released from glucose become usable energy, the rest is heat
Muscle responses Threshold stimulus All-or-none response The amount of stimulus needed for a muscle fiber to react All-or-none response Once it receives a threshold stimulus the fiber contracts to its fullest ability How much the fibers shortens depends on the amount of resistance
A picture of a contraction Myogram The pattern drawn during a muscle contraction Twitch A single contraction that last a fraction of a second Three zones of a myogram Latent period – the time between the stimulation and the actual contraction Period of contraction – when the muscle pulls at its attachment Period of relaxation – when the muscle fibers returns to formal length
Two types of twitches Fast twitch Slow twitch Fibers that are for quick strength Glycolytic therefore easily fatigable When using forceful exercise regularly, they will make more actin and myosin. Slow twitch Fibers that are used for endurance Highly oxidative therefore fatigue resistant When used extensively, make more mitochondria and capillary networks Skeletal muscles are about 50% each
The diagram shows the structure of the muscles The diagram shows the structure of the muscles. The inset picture (brown colored) shows you the fast and slow twitch fibers. Lighter = fast twitch / darker = slow twitch.
Summation A fiber exposed to a series of stimuli eventually can only partially relax before the next stimulus The force of the individual twitches combine This is called summation A tetanic contraction is a type of summation that lacks even a partially relaxation. AKA tetanus
Recruiting help Muscles have many motor units The motor units have different thresholds so they respond to different intensity of stimulation The finer, smaller, units have a lower threshold The larger, thicker, units have a higher one As the increase of stimulation increase more motor units are recruited to do the job This is recruitment When all muscle fibers are recruited the muscle contracts at its maximal tension
Sustained contraction Both summation and recruitment work together to create a sustained contraction This is when the muscle actually works. Muscle tone The muscles are actually always in some level of sustained contraction Helps to maintain posture When lost the body collapses
Smooth Muscles Muscle cells Two main types Elongated and tapered ends Have actin and myosin, but randomly arranged and organized differently , so no striations Two main types Multiunit smooth muscle Visceral smooth muscle
Multiunit Smooth muscles Muscle fibers are separate Contracts only in response to a motor nerve impulse or a certain hormone Found in the iris or walls of blood vessels
Visceral Smooth Muscles Sheets of spindle shaped cells The fibers of the muscle can stimulate each other Once one is stimulate the stimulus can travel to the adjacent cells This causes a rhythmicity A pattern of repeated contraction Cause wave like motion called peristalsis Found in the walls of the hollow organs
Smooth muscle contraction Similar to the skeletal contraction Actin and myosin are in both Differences Has two Neurotransmitters Acetylcholine and norepinepherine Stimulates and inhibits contractions in different smooth muscle Reacts to a number of hormones Starts or inhibits contractions Contracts and relaxes slower but maintains a forceful contraction longer Can change length without sacrificing tauntness
Cardiac Muscle Found only in the heart Straited and interconnected cells Connection are three dimensional networks Intercalated disc connect the opposing ends of the cells Form elaborate junctions Allows impulses to travel freely
Cardiac Contraction Similar to the skeletal muscle Difference Actin and myosin creates the striations Difference Cisternae are smaller but the t-tubules are large, and both release Ca ions Make for longer muscle twitches Muscle fibers highly conductive One member of the network is stimulates, all are – all or none response network wide Self exciting and rythmic
Skeletal muscle actions Depends on the kind of joint and the way the muscles are attached on either side of it Attachment of the muscle Origin – the end of the muscle attached to a relatively fixed or immovable part of the joint Can have more than one Head of the muscle is closest to the origin Insertion – the end that attaches at the movable part on the other side of the joint
How they work together A movement calls for more than one muscle to work The main muscle working is the prime mover aka agonist The muscles that help the prime mover are called the synergists They hold the other area steady, or move them into a optimal position The antagonists are the muscles that would move the joint in the opposite direction They must relax so the agonist can work