The Red Scare The Cold War Years
The A-Bomb Warning The 2nd Red Scare was born with the dropping of the bomb. “Hey Soviets, see what we have? Keep communism to yourself, or else!” Duck and Cover
Paranoia Efforts to prevent communism from spreading caused paranoia among influential Americans post WWII Trust no one CONTAINMENT
HUAC House Un-American Activities Committee Responsible for investigating communist activity in organized labor, federal government, and Hollywood
The Blacklist A list of all people suspected to be communist sympathizers within the federal govt. and Hollywood These people were forced out of work and were rarely able to again find work unless under an alias
Famous Blacklisters The Hollywood Ten Refused to answer questions regarding communist affiliation, claiming the first amendment gave them the right to do so Blacklisted
Alger Hiss Played multiple roles in govt. Accused of slipping information to Soviets Found guilty of perjury and sent to prison for three years
The Rosenbergs Members of communist party accused of providing secret information involving the atomic bomb to the Soviets Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed in 1953 for their espionage
Pop Culture HUAC tried to prevent communist messages from being spread through film Films such as Dr. Strangelove and Invasion of the Body Snatchers exemplified and exaggerated America’s attitude towards Communism.
Impact of Red Scare on the American People Conformity Spying on friends Constant fear
McCarthyism Sen. Joseph McCarthy ignited Communist paranoia by causing an uproar, claiming communists existed in the U.S. Senate Election year…he was desperate for media attention McCarthy in Action