Welcome to the JMU Pre-Physical Therapy Society! CONGRATULATIONS!!
Meeting agenda: PT Expo summary General membership business What do you want to discuss throughout the semester?? Get to know you game PTCAS briefing
PT EXPO THANK YOU TERRELLE AND JENNA!! Attendance Feedback from representatives Comments or suggestions??
Membership Requirements: Fall 2015 Meeting dates Membership Requirements: Fall 2015 Meeting Dates: Attend ¾ meetings throughout semester **Pay dues: $15 per semester $20 per year Complete 10 hours of community service Attend PT Expo (Does not apply to newest members) Wednesday, October 7, 8-9pm ISAT 0136 Wednesday, November 4, 8-9 ISAT 0136 (ELECTIONS) Wednesday, December 2, 8-9 ISAT 0136
2015-2016 officers: President: Jamie Latta Vice President: Katie Dixon Secretary: Amanda Presgraves Treasurer: Emmy Blacka PT-Expo: Terrelle Wallace and Jenna McAvoy Fundraising: Jake Walton and Krista Harrington Public Relations: Dustin Leonard
What are you interested in learning more about?? Topics Most Important to You: Instructions: _______ GRE Information _______ Prerequisite Requirements _______ Shadowing Settings/ Experience _______ DPT virtual presentation _______ Getting Recommendations _______ How to use PTCAS _______ Choosing PT Programs _______ Finding Shadowing Opportunities _______ Open House Information _______ How to build a Resume _______ Other: _______________ Rank your top 3 1 being the most important If you have a specific question please email me at lattajc@dukes.jmu.edu
Pre-Pt students are everywhere!! What year are you? What is your major? Who’s taking anatomy/physiology? Who’s/has been a TA/PASS instructor for anatomy/physiology? Who is shadowing somewhere in Harrisonburg this semester?
Helpful ptcas tips: Most important: START EARLY Stay organized JMU transcript request form Enter observation hours and send for verification (only send to verify once you have completed those hours) Enter you references- contact them immediately Brainstorm essay Submit supplemental application materials ASAP (especially mail-in materials) Stay organized Review personal/background information with a parent
Helpful ptcas tips: Log into MyMadison and print your unofficial transcript to confirm your coursework Lower/Upper level: Go based on course number! Enter all possible courses for your spring semester (You ARE NOT allowed to add classes once you E-submit- you can only delete- this is important for your academic update) Check program listing for supplemental application materials
HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL NEXT MONTH! Wednesday, October 7, 8-9pm ISAT 0136 Wednesday, November 4, 8-9 ISAT 0136 (ELECTIONS) Wednesday, December 2, 8-9 ISAT 0136