Welcome To Web Tutor Basics of Designing a website How to make a website? What are the different types of website? What are the framework for website? What you should know to design a website? What are the tools to design a website? How much time duration to make a website? We see the answers in the proceeding chapters..
Website is of three different types:- 1.Static website. 2.Dynamic website. 3.Multimedia website. Static website:- Static website is a website which is with contents and images layout and pages. It is not featured with backend linking and not work with databases.
Dynamic website:- Dynamic website is the one with more number of pages interactive and works with databases. Portals, shopping sites and complicated websites are Dynamic websites. Website Frame work or structure:- 1.Header 2.Banner 3.Content area 4.Section area 5.Article area 6.Footer. These are interchangeable and can be modified according to the interest of the user.
To design a website you should know the code or program to write in the editor and how to implement the code in areas to place images, contents and other features. You should know to align the text and images to make a look and feel appearing site. You should also know how to apply the color appropriately. Color selection is important to make a attractive website. That depends on the designer and his interest. Next we will see the tools to make a website..
Tools to make website:- We can design the layout in photoshop. We can slice it and place it in the editor to make a form or layout for the website. We should know to code in editor such as Dreamweaver, Notepadd++, Netbeans, or other editors. Photoshop to design logos and banners etc. Or Illustrator for same purposes.
Duration to Design a website:- Normally a website of static type for 5 to 10 pages it take 3 to 5 days. For a website of dynamic type such as portals, Ecommerce is a project and it takes couple of weeks or a month or an year or more than that. In this you would have learnt the basics of Designing a website.. In the coming tutors we will learn more about the methods and techniques used to design and produce a website in whole. …. Thank You….