United Way of Tulare County 2018 Grant Application
A recording of the meeting will be available on December 15, 2017 on the UW website. (www.unitedwaytc.org) . Please ask any questions regarding the application prior to December 29, 2017. All questions will be posted on the UW website for public view. Due to the fact that all review team members associated with the review process are volunteers, site visits this year will be done during the weeks of February 19 -March 2, 2018. Please keep these dates available. This does not mean that every organization will receive a site visit. Also, if your organization does not receive a site visit, this does not mean you will not receive funding. If there is a current conflict with the dates above so that your E.D. and/or Board President would not be available during these two weeks, please notify me by 5:00pm on January 19, 2018 so that our team members can make other arrangements if a site visit is deemed needed. Failing to do so could cause your application to be denied. The UW application is due online on January 12, 2018 by 11:59 pm.
UWTC Website (unitedwaytc.org) Click “For Nonprofits”, then “Affiliate Application” http://www.unitedwaytc.org/grant-opportunities.html
Online Application-Create a log in https://webportalapp.com/sp/login/uwtcfunds
Step 1- Organizational Profile
Step 1- Organizational Profile
Step 2- Application
Click on Pencil to edit Click on Eye to view Once the application is complete the Submit Application Button will be accessible. Applications must be submitted to be viewed and scored.
Application Questions 1. Brief history of your organization. What public value was your organization created to achieve? (150 word max) 2. Provide your organization’s mission statement and brief overview of the specific programs / services provided and to whom. (150 word max) 3. Amount requested (not to exceed $35,000.00)
Application Questions 4. What is your organizations total annual budget?______________________ 5. What percentage of funding makes up your budget? ___%Donations ___%Federal Funds ___%State Funds ___%Foundations ___% Fundraising ___% Other:_____________ 6. What percent of the organization’s total operating budget does your grant request represent? _______% (Auto filled) 7. What percent of your grant amount will go towards administrative costs? ______%(Note: this does not negatively impact your grant request) If your answer on question #7 is 30% or greater, please include a program objective that encompasses the benefit of supporting Administrative Costs.
8. Program/Project name, if applicable: 9 8. Program/Project name, if applicable: 9. Is this a new program to your organization? _______ If no, please include details on program results in question #15. 10. Could the proposed program have an affect on the literacy rate in Tulare County? ______ If yes, describe how in question #15. 11. Was this program/project ever previously funded by UWTC? _________ **If yes, include specific results your organization accomplished Stipulations/ Recommendations must be covered
Impact Areas 12. Which United Way Impact Area does your grant request target? Please see the 2014 United Way Impact Areas and Targeted Outcomes below. (Please check one impact area) ___Strong Families ___Successful Youth ___Healthy Communities Please note that targeted outcomes listed each impact area are examples only and not exclusive.
Application Questions 13. How does the proposed program and services align with the United Way Impact Area? (1000 word max) 14. How will this proposal advance the mission and strategic objectives of your organization? (500 word max) 15. Explain how your organization currently collaborates with other community stakeholders and non-profits and how this funding will create additional collaborations to maximize your impact and resources available for clients. (500 word max)
To do what? For whom? By when? B. Strategy/ Activity: 16. What program or services are you proposing to provide with the support of UWTC funding? Please describe how the proposed program will meet the objectives, strategies, outcomes, and success measurements in the Work Plan. A. Program Objective: To do what? For whom? By when? B. Strategy/ Activity: Strategies are planned actions to achieve objectives. Activities are what a program does – the services it provides – to achieve objectives. C. Targeted Outcomes/ Results: Outcomes are the benefits to participants during or after their involvement with a program. Outcomes may relate to knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, behaviors, conditions, or status. Results are the desired outcome from an action. D. How Are Results Measured: Results are measured by change made as a result of involvement with a program. What data measurement tool is used?
Example 1 A. Objective To improve school attendance and academic performance of 2,000 children in grades 3-6. 1 B. Strategy/ Activity 1. Conduct pre-assessment survey to determine each child’s attendance and academic performance by key indicators. 2. Regularly scheduled meetings with teachers and parents to report progress. 3. Children are provided one-on-one/ group tutoring/homework assistance by trained 1 C. Outcomes 1. 70% of children who remain in the program for the academic year perform at or above grade level in reading and math. 2. 90% of the children who remain in the program improve attendance by 80%. 1 D. Measurement 1. Cumulative files are maintained and regularly updated for each program participant. 2. Information is collected from the child, parents, site personnel, and teachers.
Upload Templates- Standards E= Expected R= Recommended
Upload Templates- Budget Details ( Tab 1 & 2) Funded Position Title Description of Job Duties PT or FT Total Annual Salary Total UWTC Salary Benefit % of Time spent on Mgmt/Admin Duties % of Time spent on Direct Service Delivery Totals: $ - Operating Expenses Budget Item Description/Justification Total $ - Total Operating Expenses: Indirect or Administrative Costs Total Total Indirect Costs: Total Budget
Upload Template- Board Roster Board Member Name City Board Position Company Job Title Date Appointed to Board Date Term Ends 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Additional Uploads ONE (1) Copy of your most recent audit report if your organization’s budget is more than $150,000 (with Management Letter, if any). ONE (1) Copy of your 2013 IRS Form 990 and CPA or Accountant Review if your organization’s budget is $149,999.00 or less. Current 501 c3 Determination Letter Annual Report Annual Operating Budget (most recently approved)
Resource & Development Process Review of Applications Make sure to have final page signed Incomplete applications will be Notified March 10 Determine site visits (Week of February 20-March 2) Recommend or Deny Funding Funding Approved by board Organizations notified & Contracts (Late March.) Three teams will be formed representing each Impact Area: Successful Youth; Strong Families; Healthy Communities. Site visits will be conducted with organizations that have experienced significant changes such as: a new C.E.O.; audit exceptions; failure to meet stipulations from the previous year; continuing to struggle meeting S.O.E.’s and as needed. Organizations will be notified and scheduled within 2 weeks if a site visit is needed. Board members, CEO’s / Executives must be present at the site visit.
Questions???? Please ask any additional questions regarding the application prior to December 29th by emailing Rosemary (rosemary@unitedwaytc.org). Questions asked after the December 29th date will not be answered. All questions received will be posted on the UW website (www.unitedwaytc.org) This powerpoint/ recording will be on Website on Friday, December 15th
Volunteer Website http://www.unitedwaytc.org/volunteer.html
Reminder!!! Applications are due by 11:59 p.m., Friday, January 12, 2018 ONLINE! Funding is NOT Guaranteed to past recipients