Environment designated fund Highways England Alternative title slide Environment designated fund Bram Miller - Director Alternative title slide. Image size: 6 cm x 25,4 cm or 227 x 960 pixels
Highway England’s vision for the environment “a strategic road network working more harmoniously with its surroundings to deliver an improved environment.” Vision is established in the Environment Strategy Supported by a series of action plans EDF one of the key mechanisms for delivering the vision Mechanisms range from strategic and organisational to details of scheme delivery and network maintenance Content slide Content slide
Introduction to the Environment Designated Fund (EDF) EDF is one of a number of funds – others are Cycling, Safety & Integration; Air Quality; Innovation; and Growth & Housing Total ring-fenced fund budgets of £900M over 6 years (2015-2021) EDF budget is £300M and is for: Retro-fitting measures to improve the existing road network Also, to maximise opportunities for new schemes to deliver additional improvements Beyond business as usual 7 topic areas: Noise, Carbon, Flood Risk, Water Quality, Landscape, Cultural heritage, Biodiversity, Legacy Some project developed and delivered by Highways England but also large emphasis on partnership with stakeholders Content slide Content slide
KEY CRITERIA FOR EDF PROJECTS Projects should align with one or more of the topic areas (detailed criteria developed) Should be a capital project. Funding will not be provided for other types of project e.g. for IT related projects or for provision of staff It should require capital works that are on Highways England’s estate, or have a relationship with our estate. Normally a physical connection to our estate, this wouldn’t necessarily be the case if a project was aimed at mitigating impact from or onto the SRN It should result in a measurable improvement in the environmental performance of the SRN It should robustly demonstrate value for money Content slide Content slide
PROJECT LOCATIONS (AS AT MAY 2017) Lime green fact box Slide with lime green factbox
EDF PARTNERSHIP SCHEME EXAMPLES Leeming to Barton A1M - flooding Partnership with Environment Agency and North Yorkshire County Council - jointly funded and designed Provides significantly improved standard of flood protection for around 165 homes in Catterick village and businesses Reduces the risk of flooding on the A1(M) Two large earth embankments up to 6 m high Diversion of Brough Beck and the construction of a new flow control structure. Improvements to a local bridleway 5 ha of new area of wildlife habitat Content slide, with 3 images and caption Content slide, two columns with 3 images and caption. Image size: 3,99 cm x 5,14 cm or 151 x 194 pixels
Stover Country Park, Devon Heritage, biodiversity and water quality Overview: SSSI, LNR and on register of historic parks and gardens Lake in unfavourable condition due to leaf litter and road run-off Restoration of historic views Funding being sought to dredge contaminated sediments Highways England looking at SUDs solution to improve road run-off Standard table Organisations involved: Devon County Council, Natural England, Historic England, Highways England Potential funding: Natural England grant aid, Historic England, Heritage Lottery Funding, Highways England Designated Environment Fund Benefits: water quality, biodiversity, heritage, public benefit to users of the park, PR for organisations involved, wider environmental awareness raising/ education Slide with standard table
LEGACY Light grey fact box Examples under development A pilot initiative that seeks to: ‘seize the potential opportunities to make environmental improvements beyond what would normally be delivered through good assessment and design on a major project’ Spend £7m in RP1 to demonstrate proof of concept Examples under development A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon M49 Avonmouth - community hall, footpath improvements, public art A5/M1 link road and restoration of Dunstable high street (de-trunked section of A5) A30 Chiverton Cross to Carland Cross - Super Green Highway Light grey fact box Slide with light grey factbox
Thank you End slide Endslide