Political Ideologies HUMSS 12- Pol. Gov. Topic 2 Heywood, A. (1998), Political Ideologies: An introduction. Palgrave Macmillan: Hampshire. By M. Panaccio
Outline of Unit What is ideology? Core themes of different ideologies The political spectrum
What is ‘ideology’?
ISM’s! We are basically going to be looking at many of the words ending in –ism, such as liberalism, conservatism, socialism, communism, religious fundamentalism, feminism, totalitarianism etc.
Some attempted definitions of ‘ideology’ A political belief system An action-orientated set of political ideas The ideas of the ruling class The world view of a particular social class or social group Political ideas that embody or articulate class or social interests Ideas that propagate false consciousness amongst the exploited or oppressed
Some attempted definitions of ‘ideology’ Ideas that situate the individual within a social context and generate a sense of collective belonging An officially sanctioned set of ideas used to legitimise a political system or regime An all-embracing political doctrine that claims a monopoly of truth An abstract and highly systematic set of political ideas
Origin of the term Antoine Destutt de Tracy (1796), idéologie referred to a new ‘science of ideas’ 1st- St. Magdalene The use of ideology as a political term has a lot to do with the work of Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Origin of the term “The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time the ruling intellectual force. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it” Marx and Engels, The German Ideology
The definition we will use in our class: An ideology is a more or less coherent set of ideas that provides the basis for organised political action, whether this is intended to preserve, modify or overthrow the existing system of power. All ideologies therefore have the following features: They offer an account of the existing order, usually in the form of a ‘world view’ They advance a model of a desired future, a vision of the ‘good society’ They explain how political change can and should be brought about – how to get from (a) to (b) Heywood, A (2007). Political Ideologies – An Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan: New York.
Ideology is wearing a pair of goggles!
Liberalism Core themes
This ideology is in a sense the ideology of the ‘industrialised West’ It has a focus on a particular set of values: the individual, freedom, reason, justice, toleration
Liberalism: The Individual Liberalism emphasises the importance of the individual, both the uniqueness of each individual and at the same time the equality of all individuals.
Liberalism: Faith in reason Having faith in reason, or the ability to use one’s intellect in taking action in the world, is also a central component
Liberalism: Justice and tolerance Liberals look at justice in that each person should be given what they are ‘due’. Because individual rights are central, this means that liberalism believes in tolerance and pluralism, or the idea that different moral, cultural and political cultures can exist together.
Where can I see evidence of liberalism today? Have a look around, and you will see that the ideas of liberalism are central to our lives. What examples of liberalism can you find just by looking at your school? 1st- St. Johnstone
Conservatism Core themes
Conservatism: Core themes Central beliefs of conservatism are based around the ideas of: tradition human imperfection organic society hierarchy and authority property
Conservatism: Tradition Conservatives argue for the preservation of ‘tradition’, in particular with regards to values, practices and institutions They see tradition as being one of the foundations of society; without it, they believe society would crumble.
Conservatism: Humans are imperfect Conservatives argue that human beings are imperfect and not perfectible, thus they will need stability and security in their lives, which the government can provide
Conservatism: Organic society Conservatives believe that human beings cannot exist outside of society, or the social groups that nurture him/her, such as family, friends, colleagues, local community, and the nation
Conservatism: Hierarchy and authority Believe that society is hierarchical, and that authority (who is on top or in charge) develops naturally
Conservatism: Property Conservatives have a firm belief in the importance of owning property, and encourage private savings and investment in property; property is seen to be a way of creating a stable world. People are less likely to damage someone else’s property if they also own property.
Liberalism vs. Conservatism
Liberalism vs. Conservatism Can you make a list of the differences between liberalism and conservatism? Why would they be opposed to one another?
Socialism Core themes
Core Themes Community Cooperation Equality Class politics Common ownership
Community Human beings are tied to one another by the bonds of a common humanity ‘We are all brothers and sisters’
View on human nature Belief in the plasticity of human nature, or that humans can change and be moulded by life experience Firm belief that humans are not predestined, but have the capacity to become something greater than what they are
Cooperation not competition Socialists believe that the natural relationship among humans is one of cooperation rather than competition
Equality Socialists are committed to equality
Social Class Emphasis is on social class as the determining factor of society What do you notice about the boys in this picture?
Common ownership Disagree with the idea of private property, as they see this as one of the causes of competition and therefore social inequality. Thus, have a view that all property should be communal ‘From each according to his ability, to each according to his need’ – Karl Marx
Socialism vs. Communism These two ideologies are often confused with one another The similarities and differences are quite difficult to define Communism is thought to be a classless society, where there is no hierarchy or authority. It has been argued by Marxists to be the end point of human development Socialism is seen to be a middle point between capitalism and communism, where the state attempts to re-direct society towards its communist ideal
View Liberalism Conservatism Socialism Human nature Inherently good Inherently imperfect and selfish Of individual Free to pursue individual goals Individual is to obey the power structures Supports the common good Of society Made up of individuals, working together Hierarchical – divisions are natural Society more important than the individual Private property Used for personal benefit Necessary for stability The cause of inequality
Fascism Core themes Day 1-st. claire
Origin Liberalism, conservatism and socialism are ideas that have their roots in the 19th Century, fascism was born in the period between the first world wars, and emerged most dramatically in Italy and Germany.
Italian Fascism Benito Mussolini and his Fascist Party came to power in Italy in the 1920s and lasted until the second World War, upon which he was executed by the Italian partisans and hung by his feet in a square in Milano
German Fascism Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party came to power in the 1930s and lasted until the Second World War, until the defeat of Germany by the Allies.
Features of fascism A reaction against rationalism, or the use of reason to make sense of the world A belief that life is struggle, and that the strongest survive (influenced by Darwin’s idea of natural selection) Does not believe in equality; instead believes in elitism, or that some people are born leaders An extreme embrace of nationalism; incorporating a belief that certain nations are superior to others.
Capitalism Core themes
Capitalism Is an economic system that is focussed on profit, and the major part of production is privately owned Goods and services are created in order to generate profit
Economic Growth Belief in the idea of economic growth, so that all people increase their material wealth (best seen in the pie example below) and become better off, no matter their position in the economy. If all people are concerned with increasing their wealth, this will maintain order in society
Feminism Core themes
Feminism Desire to enhance the social role of women Society is characterized by sexual or gender inequality. Belief in gender equality
Anarchism Core themes
Anarchism Opposition to the state and the institutions of government and law Their main argument against authority is that they see authority as being an offence against the principles of freedom and equality They believe in a natural goodness of humans, and that without a state governing humans would naturally fall into a state of cooperation with one another.
Religious fundamentalism Core themes
Religious Fundamentalism Rejects the distinction between politics and religion; for fundamentalists, ‘politics is religion’ (Khomeini, leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979)
Religious Fundamentalism Maintains a commitment to ideas and values that are seen as basic or fundamental Most often turns its back on modernity, or the modern world we live in. Modernity is seen to be the root of decay in our world, where values are lacking and moral social fabric has disintegrated. Very often it is a militaristic ideology, and the use of violence to achieve its aims is common
Some funny stereotypes
Green Politics/Ecologism
Green Politics/ Ecologism A belief that nature is the most important focus of social organisation Ecosocialism Ecofeminism Ecoconservatism
The Political spectrum
The Political Spectrum You may have heard at various times terms used like ‘political left’ and ‘political right’ This is quite a confusing and misleading area in understanding political science The origin of the terms dates back to the French Revolution and the seating arrangements adopted by different groups in parliament.
The Political Spectrum Traditionally, the political spectrum looked like this:
Meanings of ‘left’ and ‘right’ A broad ideological disposition that is characterised by sympathy for principles such as liberty, equality, fraternity and progress. It is also associated with preference for equality and common ownership. A broad ideological disposition that is characterised by sympathy for principles such as authority, order, hierarchy and duty
Other models of the spectrum This linear version of left and right, however, is a simplistic division. Over the years, other models have come to expand the idea of a political spectrum into a second dimension. The below horseshoe example became quite popular in the 1950s and 1960s.
The Political Compass The below diagram is of a very interesting way to describe the political spectrum and one which takes into account both economic and social factors.
Traditional international leaders
Where do you stand on the political compass. Go to www Where do you stand on the political compass? Go to www.politicalcompass.org to take the test and find out if you are a communist, fascist, budding dictator or more of a middle man!