Neighbourhood Planning Stella Scrivener
Planning Aid – Engaging Communities in Planning Neighbourhood Planning - Twineham 28/9/13 Planning Aid – Engaging Communities in Planning Planning Aid provide free, independent, professional planning advice to people who do not have the means to pay professional fees provide support and training to local communities to influence and contribute to planning strategy, policy and decision making at all levels promote and help deliver better practices in community engagement in a range of organisations improve skills in planning and community engagement Part of the Royal Town Planning Institute Professional body for chartered planners in the UK Resources secured from Government’s Supporting Communities and Neighbourhoods in Planning Fund 0203 206 1894 Planning Aid England - Independent Charity
Neighbourhood Planning “When people know that they will get proper support to cope with the demands of new development; when they have a proper say over what new homes will look like; and when they can influence where those homes go, they have reasons to say “yes” to growth.” Greg Clark (November 2010)
Neighbourhood Planning Neighbourhood Planning - Twineham 28/9/13 Neighbourhood Planning Neighbourhood planning is a key part of the Localism Act. It gives local communities greater power to shape development by having a direct role in the development of planning policies at a local level. Within Surrey Heath, neighbourhood planning can be undertaken by Parish Councils or Neighbourhood Forums, with Surrey Heath Borough Council providing assistance and making necessary decisions at key stages. Planning Aid England - Independent Charity
Neighbourhood Planning - Twineham 28/9/13 Neighbourhood Plans A plan allows the local community to create a vision and planning policies for the use and development of land in a neighbourhood. For example, where new homes and businesses can be built and what they should look like. Neighbourhood Development Plans can be general or more detailed, depending on what is important to local people. They must however, be in conformity with the strategic policies in the Council's adopted Core Strategy and should not be used to promote a lower level of development. Planning Aid England - Independent Charity
Part of the Planning System Neighbourhood Planning - Twineham 28/9/13 Part of the Planning System National Government documents Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) 2004 & 2008 Acts Secondary legislation (Regulations & Orders) National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Saved Policies of the Adopted Local Plan 2000 Core Strategy 2012 Community Infrastructure Levy Policy Consultation closed 4th November Produced by Surrey Heath Produced by Chobham Neighbourhood Plans Planning Aid England - Independent Charity
Meeting the basic conditions have regard to national policies ensure they contribute towards sustainable development be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the local plan (Council will advise on this) be compatible with EU obligations (SEA where relevant, human rights et al) have regard to desirability of preserving the settings of listed building(s) have regard to desirability of preserving the character and appearance of any conservation area(s)
Preparing your plan - overview Neighbourhood Planning - Twineham 28/9/13 Preparing your plan - overview NP Community Referendum Independent Check Preparing your Plan Agreeing The Neighbourhood 5 1 2 3 4 NP currently at stage 2. Once draft plan is prepared will need to consult for minimum of 6 weeks (including with statutory consultees) and make changes as necessary Then submit your plan to the council (including Consultation Statement and Basic Conditions statement) Council will publicise the plan for 6 weeks and appoint an independent examiner with your agreement Stage 3 – examiner considers whether the plan meets the basic conditions Stage 4 – “should Mid Sussex District Council use West Hoathly Neighbourhood Plan in the making of planning decisions?” Stage 5 – if over 50% of those voting, vote YES, neighbourhood plan will be put into action Planning Aid England - Independent Charity
Preparing your Neighbourhood Plan Neighbourhood Planning - Twineham 28/9/13 Preparing your Neighbourhood Plan Plan Making A plan can be a single policy or a hundred policies It must be in line with the strategic policies of the Local Plan It is essential to establish strong working relationship with LPA It is essential that there is wide and inclusive community engagement Planning Aid England - Independent Charity
The next steps Identify key issues from engagement Create a Vision and Objectives Explore Options – both policies and projects Gather evidence ‘the facts’ Engage further – interactive, questionnaires, Remember ‘live, work and do business’, ‘developers and landowners. Produce draft policies – intentions, justifications and policies.
The Referendum “Do you want Surrey Heath Borough Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Chobham to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?.” The Neighbourhood Planning (Referendums) regulations 2012 Schedule 1
Neighbourhood Planning - Twineham 28/9/13 Referendums to date… Upper Eden – 33% turnout , 90% voted Yes Exeter St James – 21% turnout, 92% voted Yes Thame – 40% turnout, 76% voted Yes Tattenhall – 52% turnout, 96% voted Yes No minimum turnout Referendum result is binding on local authorities (some exclusions apply e.g. change to EU legislation). Planning Aid England - Independent Charity
Neighbourhood Planning - Twineham 28/9/13 1st Neighbourhood Plan successfully passed independent examination Referendum in March Covers 17 Parish Councils Contains 6 policies including; affordable housing, housing on farms for local people, homes for older people, and housing density Planning Aid England - Independent Charity
2nd Neighbourhood Plan successfully passed independent examination Referendum in May Covers St James ward approx. 2,500 households Contains 25 policies including; protecting green space, student accommodation, creation of community hub and restricting Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
Examined in Feb 2013 Market Town in South Oxfordshire Covers approx. 5,000 households Contains 53 policies including; site allocations for housing and employment, also policies on retail, design, environment, heritage and views to the countryside
Useful links: Neighbourhood Planning Roadmap Neighbourhood Planning hints, tips and resources Neighbourhood Plans ready for examination