HSA Review: Branches, Levels, & Powers
Answer in a complete sentence Success Criteria 5/17/2017 1.We can identify the branches of gov’t. 2.We can compare and contrast the roles of the branches of gov’t. 3.We can analyze scenarios to understand the principle of checks & balances. 4.We can evaluate how checks & balances apply in real life scenarios by writing arguments. Answer in a complete sentence What are two ways the media can have an impact on elections? How comfortable do you feel analyzing political cartoons? Why? Do you think we should continue to work on them?
House Cleaning Get Work From My Website! Tinyurl.com/mr-krzys HSA Date! June 1st or June 2nd Bring flash cards this Friday!
HSA NIGHT!!! This THURSDAY, May 18th is HSA NIGHT! Come and get some FREE PIZZA and hear information about the HSA! This is for students and parents! 6:00-7:30
HSA Review Unit 2 – Institutions of Gov’t Today we will look at The Branches of Gov’t and Checks & Balances
What are the three branches of gov’t and what does each one do What are the three branches of gov’t and what does each one do? What are Checks & Balances? Why do we need them?
The legislative branch’s role is to make the laws.
National Level: Congress House of Representatives Each state is given representatives according to their population, each one represents a district in a state. Led by the Speaker of the House. Senate States are given 2 senators. Each represents the whole state. Are considered national leaders since they represent entire states. Led by the Vice President
Powers of Congress The most important power is the Power of the Purse. Congress is in charge of the budget, and has final control over how money is spent. They also make laws for the country, getting ideas from their constituents. They are in charge of making rules for trade between the states. Congress has the power to declare war. Other important powers include the ability to remove officials from office, pass amendments, and confirm the president’s appointments.
State Level: MD General Assembly Who’s in it? Maryland State Senate and the Maryland House of Delegates. Powers of the General Assembly They are in charge of the budget of the state of MD, the schools in the state and they can confirm the governor’s appointments
Executive Branch: Role is to enfore laws National Level: President Cabinet The President’s group of advisors. They are all hand-picked by the president and approved by Congress. Regulatory agencies set regulations. President Vice President is second in command and is in charge of the Senate.
Powers of the President President is in charge of making sure that all laws are carried out. They are also the Commander in Chief and have the ultimate say over nuclear weapons. They sign treaties (deals) with other nations. The president has the power to veto laws that he does not want to see passed.
State Level Executive Branch Who’s in it? The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and the Cabinet. Powers of the Executive Branch They are in charge of enforcing the rules, so they run the police, sign and veto laws, and can declare states of emergencies if they need extra help to deal with natural disasters and disorders (riots).
Judicial Branch: Role is to interpret laws National Level: Supreme Court They hear cases that have been appealed from lower courts and make the final decision. They can decide if laws are unconstitutional (judicial review) Supreme Court Justices Appointed by the President & approved by the Senate. They have terms for life.
State Level Maryland Court System Who’s in it? District courts, who hear minor crimes (misdemeanors). Circuit courts who hear more major crimes (felonies). Appellate courts, who hear appeals from other court decisions. Powers of the Judicial Branch The MD Court of Appeals decides the meaning of laws, how they should be applied in real life situations, and whether laws are constitutional.
Checks & Balances Legislative Override veto with a 2/3 vote Can Impeach the President Controls the budget, can simply deny the president funds to do what he wants Must approve judicial appointments, can deny someone they do not like Impeach judges for wrongdoing
Checks & Balances Executive Vetoes Laws Decides what laws need more / less enforcement Appoints judges Can pardon criminals Judicial Can rule laws unconstitutional Can rule acts of the President unconstitutional