Infrastructure and Operation Summary John Osborne, CERN Report on behalf of FCC Infrastructure and Operation WG, all FCC study teams Special thanks to Volker Mertens FCC Week 2017 Berlin, 2 June 2017
Infrastructure and Operation related programme Overview (V. Mertens, 25‘+5‘) Monday Ch. Prasse/FIML civil engineering electricity ventilation logistics transport All sessions as input for review D. Delikaris cryogenics Ll. Miralles operation reliability safety Summary of IO related parallel sessions and posters (J. Osborne, 15‘) Poster listed in V.Mertens Monday presentation Friday
Civil engineering optimisation and design development (J. L. Stanyard) “Berlin” baseline 97.75km Civil engineering optimisation and design development (J. L. Stanyard)
Key CE issues and possible solutions Issue: Tunnel excavation through water bearing moraines Possible Solutions: Excavation using a multi-mode earth pressure balanced TBM. Employ a double-lining method for waterproofing. Issue: Unavoidable Mandallaz Limestone formation Drill & Blast excavation method Systematic exploration ahead of excavation Issue: Exceptionally deep shaft at point F Remove shaft Replace with a shaft of a smaller diameter Replace with an inclined access tunnel
Tunnel Optimistation Tool capabilities and limitations TOT is only as powerful as the data behind it. Topographical data is very accurate Certain areas of geological data more accurate than others. Interpreted data from existing maps and boreholes. Site Investigation is required to significantly improve understanding. Automation of the tool is a possibility but challenging. Optimisation algorithm such as ROXIE (previously used at CERN for magnet design optimisation) could be used. The challenge is the large number of variables. Not all variables are easily quantified. Potential for automating certain features such as shaft positions once the layout and siting are fixed.
Berlin Schematic – Single Tunnel Secondary experimental Points moved to B & L Electrical alcoves introduced at 1.5 km spacing Additional shaft introduced at each experimental point Beam Dumps both located at Point D Survey Galleries introduced at experimental points
CE Cost and Schedule Studies Cost & Schedule Study launched in September 2016 Two sets of consultants engaged to work independently. Phase 1 Cost & Schedule estimate for “baseline” single tunnel design.* Phase 2 Cost & Schedule implications of variations considered: Double tunnel design Shallow option Alternative tunnel diameters Alternative shaft diameters Alternative cavern dimensions ee machine requirements Alternative schedule + Inclined access tunnels Phase 3 Refinement of results from Phases 1 and 2: Review to include updates made to baselined design. Incorporate desirable variations from Phase 2. *Some changes have been made since the study was launched including raising the profile and introduction of third shaft at experimental points.
CE Schedule Studies Close co-ordination with Julie Coupard
ee machine CE requirements Tunnel widening required around points A & G to accommodate ee lattice. Design is not fully developed: potential for a combination of double tunnel and enlargement caverns to accommodate lattice. For Cost & Schedule study: 1.8 km of tunnel widening on either side of IPs at A and G considered. *not the latest ee plot, but the one that was used for initial costing exercise
Inclined tunnel possibilities (instead of vertical shafts)
Beam Transfer from LHC or SPS 19/05/2017 Beam Transfer from LHC or SPS B B LHC LHC 8 3 scSPS scSPS 5 FCC 1 FCC Need ~ 1 km straight sections for collimation. Slope constraints for He flow and transport. Normal conducting magnets preferred. L L F. Burkart, W. Bartmann, B. Goddard Tuesday, 9:35: Injection and extraction insertions and dump lines (F. Burkart)
he civil engineering studies : preferred location Why is experimental point L preferred? Positives: Low geological risk compared to other locations, anticipated tunnelling in molasse only. Close to current CERN site. FCC ring relatively shallow at this point, therefore shallower shafts. Remaining problems: Potential clash with injection lines needs to be studied. Located inside the FCC ring so integration with other structures to be studied. Depth below Rhone to be evaluated. FCC experimental point L. Civil engineering optimisation for FCC-he (J. L. Stanyard)
Tunnel cross section, FCC-hh Magnets OD 1480 m (all included) QRL OD 1200 mm (all included) F. Valchkova-Georgieva
Tunnel cross section, FCC-ee F. Valchkova-Georgieva Magnet model: A. Milanese
Tunnel cross section, HE-LHC Limited civil engineering Same beam height as LHC Magnets OD ca. 1200 m (all included) – study in // QRL (sector shorter than at FCC) OD ca. 850 mm (all included) Re-routing of services abeam the cryogenics service module not yet studied Magnet suspended during „handover“ from transport vehicle to installation transfer table Today: 16 T magnet R&D (D. Tommasini) and other presentations F. Valchkova-Georgieva
Supply and Distribution of Electrical Energy
Supply and Distribution of Electrical Energy -Two approaches adopted -Estimates are coming down Two fold approach for total power Trend is that we are around 400MVA for hh machine
Supply and Distribution of Electrical Energy -3 sources exist -network capabable How do we bring power from network 3 sources exist 200MW available power from each source
Supply and Distribution of Electrical Energy 4 points on CH side Environmental aspects need looking at in the next phase of studies Quite sunstanstial transformers needed up on surface, noisy and ugly, look into dry transformers -Surface impacts to be evaluated
Electrical Conclusions
Ventilation Systems
Ventilation Systems -main parameters better understood Temperature requirments and parameters Cross sectional area 18 Max temp 32deg
Approx. Maximum 240 KW from magnets/transmission lines other equipment
Ventilation Systems -Many scenarios simulated Air supply under floor via shafts In this emergency situation scenario AHU breaks down and smoke or Helium release Other units at adjacent shafts would have to take over for emergency extraction Where is fresh air supply ? Air renewal rates for personal and labour requirements need to be checked. “Lebrun”
Ventilation studies : next steps Design compatible with latest FCC layouts Wall temperature needs extra study Fully validate the conceptand go into more detail
Logistics Fraunhoover : Dortmund Logistics : underground transport : size, speed of vehicles Thursday 9:35: Logistics : Ingo Ruehl, Matti Tiirakari and Fraunhofer Institute
Logistics Several Logistics scenarios being studied Different logistics scenarios being studied All coldmass units fabricated/assembled and tested at CERN v All with suppliers Space requirements, new buildings In this case four large shafts and surface blds
Logistics Marseille ! Transport to Geneva via road, rail, ships and taking into account vibration limits Different options looked at using logistics software look into planning for scenarios
Cryogenics Outside colloborations Cryoplants : Dresenden university, CEA Grenoble and with industry Cooling PhD Design Pressure impact on heat inleaks Wrolcaw
Cryogenics 10 Cryo plants at 6 sites. Each plant approx. 10km supply Baseline Liquid nitrogen storage tanks removed in latest, major simplification and cost reduction, more flexibility 10 cryo plants on 6 sites 1 plant 10km of machine
Cryogenics Distribution systems now more defined E.g. Vertical Line C for Liquid Helium transfer added More refinements, detailed calculations Now Defined distribution lines vertical shafts and jumper into the machine Vertical line C has been added to store Liquid Helium at the surface (pipe C in top right corner)
Cryogenics 2017 studies: Cyroplants Transient operation Mode CDR ready to start drafting, one for each machine ee, hh, HE Substantial progress Cryoplants Transient operation mode 800MHz cavities at 2K Operational margin discussions needed and impact on cost
FCC-hh operation schedule and turn-around cycle Initial operation schedule Comparison of turn-around times 5-yr cycles 18 m shutdown 1 m yearly stop 1 m commissioning 10 m operation Same performance including injector chain to achieve targets eg 2 hr turnaroun 3.5yrs of operations in 5yr cycles, limited time for technical stops Possible to study Large potential to extend time between shutdowns 3.5yrs of operations in 5yr cycle is current goal but there is a large potential to extend the time between shutdowns. Long setup times mainly due to system failures FCC to be designed for utmost availability (fault tolerance or quick repair between runs). Injection time depends on injector chain availability and beam quality control. Total of 162 m of physics (p + ions) 6 x 1 wk MD + 1 wk stop per 5-yr cycle Thursday 15:30: FCC-hh operation schedule and turnaround (A. Niemi/Tampere UT)
Availability and Integrated Luminosity Studies
Availability and Integrated Luminosity Studies Luminosity goals very challenging but appear achievable Phase 1 : 1.25 Phase 2 : 5 Phase 1 is 10years Performance is better than goals 1.25 inverse attobarn both 5 yr runs 5 in each three year runs
Availability and Integrated Luminosity Studies Injection from Superconducting SPS seems promising from availability point of view Revamped LHC or SC SPS
Safety Strategy for CDR, T.Otto Potential of a substance, activity or process to cause harm Standard best practices where available to try and render hazards inoffensive CDR goal is to demonstrate viability of the design, no real show stoppers
Safety Strategy for CDR Example : Typical chain between technology and the hazard Typical chain between technology and the hazard Hazard list is complete
Safety Strategy for CDR If Standard best practice not applicable, this risk assessment method will be adopted Performance Hazard Database will be set up Standard best practice to render hazard inoffensive is on-going or risk assessment for 5% of hazards
Radioprotection matters High-radiation areas FCC-hh arc residual dose rate FCC-hh detector residual dose rate Ultimate, after 5 runs (17.5 ab-1) 1 mSv/h after 1 wk High levels in forward HC RP simulations advanced well since room Rome in machine and detector areas Simulations up to speed with latest layouts areas with bypass tunnels Radiation hazards lists (prompt stray radiation, activated air, X-rays ... Radioprotection matters (M. Widorski)
Radiation Levels, Angelo Infantino FLUKA simulations advancing for new layout. Possible extra shielding needed at alcoves. Very input data is coming out of these studies and will impact on civil engineering 1st calculations show quite good, but maybe more shielding is required
Surveying and Alignment, Dominique Missiaen, Mark Jones and Nerea Ibarrola Subiza Conclsion indicates intermediate shaft 5km -GPS measurements in CERN area planned for 2017. -First indications suggest that the 5km intermediate shafts might not be required, but to be confirmed. -Wire tests in LHC P8 area provided some interesting results.
.Conceptual Design Report for I&O matters 1 – PHYSICS 2 Hadron Collider Summary 3 – Hadron Collider Comprehensive Physics opportunities across all scenarios Accelerator Injectors Technologies Infrastructure Operation Experiment eh 4 Lepton Collider Summary 5 – Lepton Collider Comprehensive Documents the performed studies Material to support the baseline concepts A basis for the next phase Highlights remaining work Lists alternatives … Accelerator Injectors Technologies Infrastructure Operation Experiment 6 High Energy LHC Summary 7 – High Energy LHC Comprehensive Accelerator Injectors Infrastructure Refs to FCC-hh, HL-LHC, LHeC Concise description of main concepts and key points
Big thanks to presenters, chairpersons and organisers Concluding remarks Impressive progress by Infrastructure and Operation working group Need to conclude by end of the summer on a Baseline Layout, Cross Sections etc. to allow more in-depth studies which are in accordance with the Performance Based Safety Criteria Cost and Schedule studies to be further developed Intensive effort will be required over the coming months to complete the CDR in 2018. Big thanks to presenters, chairpersons and organisers