• Increased use of fertilizers, pesticides, and improved crop strains


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Presentation transcript:

• Increased use of fertilizers, pesticides, and improved crop strains SECTION 1 continued Transforming Human Life The Green Revolution • Green revolution—an attempt to increase food production worldwide • Increased use of fertilizers, pesticides, and improved crop strains • Green revolution increases yields, puts some farmers out of business • Helps reduce famine in third world countries like India and countries in Africa such as Nigeria and Ghana NEXT

Economic Globalization SECTION 2 Economic Globalization Global Economy • Global economy begins to take shape in second half of 1900s • Global economy—financial interactions across international borders Continued . . . NEXT

includes much of Europe- eliminated tariffs on European trade SECTION 2 continued Economic Globalization Regional Trade Blocs • In 1992, takes name European Union (EU) and includes much of Europe- eliminated tariffs on European trade • U.S., Mexico, Canada form NAFTA in 1994 • North American Free Trade Agreement eliminates trade restrictions OPEC- organization of Petroleum (oil) exporting countries- made up of Middle Eastern countries to regulate oil exports to Europe and America NEXT

OPEC countries

European Union countries

Global Security Issues SECTION 3 Global Security Issues Issues of War and Peace Nations Unite and Take Action • After World War II, many nations join together in military alliances • World leaders create the United Nations to avoid war when possible Peacekeeping Activities • UN mediates disputes between nations, provides peacekeeping forces Weapons of Mass Destruction • Proliferation—spreading of nuclear weapons- most dangerous issue in the world today Continued . . . NEXT

Human Rights Issues The UN and Human Rights SECTION 3 Human Rights Issues The UN and Human Rights • Universal Declaration of Human Rights—sets human rights standards • UN and other organizations work to improve human rights worldwide Continuing Rights Violations •• Rwandan genocide, mass murder of about 500,000 Tutsis by Hutus Another Genocide in Darfur, Sudan in Eastern Africa NEXT

Health Issues The AIDS Epidemic SECTION 3 Health Issues The AIDS Epidemic • AIDS—acquired immune deficiency syndrome, first discovered in 1980s • Sub-Saharan Africa has by far the most AIDS cases and deaths NEXT

Terrorism What Is Terrorism? Modern Terrorism Terrorist Methods SECTION 4 Terrorism What Is Terrorism? Modern Terrorism • Terrorism—use of violence to force social or political change • Many terrorists have political goals; some have religious motives- Jihad “holy war” Terrorist Methods • Terrorists use bombs, guns, sometimes chemical, biological agents • 9/11 Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda attack the U.S.A. NEXT

Terrorism Around the World SECTION 4 Terrorism Around the World International Terrorism Gets Attention • Palestinian terrorists kill Israeli athletes at 1972 Munich Olympics The Middle East • Many terrorist groups founded because of Israeli- Palestinian conflict • These groups want Palestinian homeland • Pattern: terror strikes, Israeli retaliation, more terror attacks NEXT