Story Problems .2-D shapes drawn to look like 3-D shapes. Each shape should be shaded with a pencil going from dark to light or light to dark. Show all the values of gray, deep blacks and whites. 1..Draw a light source in upper right corner. Draw a Large sphere in the middle of the composition and attach 3 links to the sphere so it looks like a ball and chain. Remember over, under! 2 Draw a light source in the bottom of the composition. Draw a Saturn shape in the middle of the composition so it looks like the sun(light source) is underneath Saturn. 3 Draw a light source in the upper left corner of the composition. Draw a cone shape with a cube balancing on top of it. 4 Draw a horizontal cylinder and make it look like spheres are rolling out of it. Draw a light source in the top, center of the composition. 5 . Draw a large sphere in the middle of the composition. Draw a pyramid in the middle of the sphere so it looks like the sun in Egypt. 6. Draw a curved cylinder and three spheres rolling off the top of it. The light source is in the upper right corner of the composition. 7. Draw a snake coiling around a tree branch (Over, under, over, under). The light source is in the top right-hand corner of the composition. 8. Draw a large diamond ring. (A diamond shape with a bent cylinder hanging from the bottom). The light source is in the upper left corner of the composition.