Flashcards la escuela - School Por Sra. Abeille
Vocabulary To talk about school subjects To ask and tell the time To talk about school supplies To express regret To talk about what people need To hesitate To express possession To talk about location To express quantity To say what something is for To ask for information To tell who performs an action To ask and tell when something takes place Martha Abeille
math matemáticas Martha Abeille
English Inglés Martha Abeille
Spanish Español Martha Abeille
physical education educación física Martha Abeille
history historia Martha Abeille
lunch almuerzo Martha Abeille
art arte Martha Abeille
health ciencias de la salud Martha Abeille
science ciencias naturales Martha Abeille
chemistry química Martha Abeille
music música Martha Abeille
geography geografía Martha Abeille
difficult, hard difícil, duro Martha Abeille
easy fácil Martha Abeille
homework tarea Martha Abeille
to teach enseñar Martha Abeille
to learn aprender Martha Abeille
I learn yo aprendo Martha Abeille
You learn tú aprendes Martha Abeille
tape recorder grabadora Martha Abeille
calculator calculadora Martha Abeille
dictionary diccionario Martha Abeille
marker marcador Martha Abeille
sharpener sacapuntas Martha Abeille
stapler grapadora Martha Abeille
backpack mochila Martha Abeille
ruler regla Martha Abeille
notebook cuaderno Martha Abeille
binder carpeta de argollas Martha Abeille
pencil lápiz Martha Abeille
folder carpeta Martha Abeille
eraser borrador Martha Abeille
to need necesitar Martha Abeille
I need yo necesito Martha Abeille
You need tú necesitas Martha Abeille
to have tener Martha Abeille
I have yo tengo Martha Abeille
You have tú tienes Martha Abeille
your tu Martha Abeille
a lot / many mucho / mucha Martha Abeille
a, an un / una Martha Abeille
What? ¿Qué? Martha Abeille
schedule horario Martha Abeille
At what time ___? ¿A qué hora ___? Martha Abeille
to begin empezar Martha Abeille
it begins empieza Martha Abeille
to end terminar Martha Abeille
it ends termina Martha Abeille
He/she/it is es Martha Abeille
first period (1a) primera hora Martha Abeille
second period (2a) segunda hora Martha Abeille
third period (3a) tercera hora Martha Abeille
fourth period (4a) cuarta hora Martha Abeille
fifth period (5a) quinta hora Martha Abeille
sixth period (6a) sexta hora Martha Abeille
seventh period (7a) séptima hora Martha Abeille
eight period (8a) octava hora Martha Abeille
First semester Primer semestre Martha Abeille
Second semester Segundo semestre Martha Abeille
at a Martha Abeille
What time is it? ¿Qué hora es? Martha Abeille
It is one o’clock es la una Martha Abeille
1:15 es la una y cuarto Martha Abeille
It’s two o’clock son las dos Martha Abeille
2:30 son las dos y media Martha Abeille
I’m sorry Lo siento Martha Abeille
Let’s see… A ver… Martha Abeille
Here / There it is Aquí / Allí está Martha Abeille
school escuela Martha Abeille
office oficina Martha Abeille
classroom salón de clases Martha Abeille
lab laboratorio Martha Abeille
for para Martha Abeille
I Yo Martha Abeille
You tú Martha Abeille
he / she él / ella Martha Abeille
We nosotros / nosotras Martha Abeille
You (plural) ustedes Martha Abeille
They ellos / ellas Martha Abeille
Who? Whom? ¿Quién? Martha Abeille