Mood Disorders II Dr.Noor Alibrahim
Dysthymia Cyclothymia Mood disorders 2ry to GMC Mood disorders 2ry to Substance abuse
Dysthymia Persistent depressive disorder Depressive neurosis Low grade chronicity for at lease 2 years Insidious onset
Epidemiology 5-6% of the general population No gender differences Starts in younger population (children and adolescence) Unmarried Low incomes
Can co-exist with : MDD Anxiety Disorders Substance abuse Personality Disorders
Clinical features
Clinical features 2 years – 1 year in children and adolescents Depressed mood 2 or more of the following : Poor appetite or over eating Insomnia or hypersomnia Low energy or fatigue Low self-esteem Poor concentrating Feelings of hopeleness
Clinical features No manic or hypomanic episodes No other psychiatric illness Not explained by substance abuse or GMC Never symptoms free for more that 2 months Distress , impairment of functioning
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis Minor depressive disorder Brief depressive disorder Double depression
Course and prognosis
Cyclothymic Disorder
Cyclothymic Disorder Milder form of bipolar disorder Hypomania and mild (minor) depression
Epidemiology Lifetime prevalence is 1 % With borderline personality disorder Onset 15-25 years Female to male ratio is 3 to 2
Diagnosis and clinical features
Diagnosis For 2 years – 1 year in children and adolescents Hypomanic episodes and minor depressive disorder
Might present with : Marital difficulties Instability in relationships substance abuse
Course and prognosis
Mood disorder due to GMC
Mood disorder due to GMC Tumors Trauma Infections Endocrine Nutritional Neurological
Substance induced mood disorder
Substance induced mood disorder Alcohol Sedatives Withdrawal (nic , caf , alcohol , coc , amphetamines) Antihypertensive medications Steroids
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