OVERVIEW Seed Policy Seed Laws Plant breeders Rights Legislation Phytosanitary measures
Seed Policy In place 2004 Embedded in the National Agricultural policy Ensure the development of an effec tive, efficient and sustainable system of producing and supplying high quality seeds of crops to satisfy the national seed requirements.
Legal Framework Seed sector is controlled by following legislation:- Legal Framework Seed sector is controlled by following legislation:- . Plant Variety & Seeds Act (CAP 236), . Other related pieces of legislation are: - Cotton Act, Plant Pest and Diseases Act,
Plant Breeders Rights:- . Plant Breeders Rights Act, No. 18 of 2007 . Enacted in 2007 . SCCI to implement . Not yet operationalised
Crop Variety Testing, Registration and Release Procedure: - Crop Variety Testing, Registration and Release Procedure: - . Variety Registration . DUS & VCU tests for 2 seasons . Each year VCU & DUS data collected,analysed & sent to variety owners . Application for Variety release after 2 seasons . VRC – (Multisectoral)
Certification Scheme used in Zambia is based on the OECD Six classes for seeds in general and six classes for potato (Irish) standards and guidelines are set and reviewed by the government
SEED CERTIFICATION SCHEME (For general seeds) CODE CLASS PARENT SEED COLOUR OF LABEL A B C1 C2 C3 QDS E Pre-basic Seed Basic Seed Certified Seed, 1st generation Certified Seed, 2nd generation Certified Seed, 3rd generation Quality Declared seed Emergency class Produced from the breeder's parent material under control of the breeder and supervision of the SCCI. Produced from Pre-basic Seed Produced from Basic Seed Produced from Certified Seed, 1st generation (or higher class) Produced from Certified Seed, 2nd generation (or higher class) Produced from Quality Declared or Higher class Only used when a serious shortage of seed of compulsory crops occurs. Violet stripe on white White Blue stripe on white Red stripe on white Green Red
(For Irish Potato Seeds) CODE CLASS PARENT SEED COLOUR OF LABEL S1, (S2, S3) SE E1 E2 A B Pre-basic Seed Basic Seed Certified Seed, 1st generation Certified Seed, 2nd generation Certified Seed, 3rd generation Certified Seed, 4th generation Produced from the breeder's parent material under control of the breeder and supervision of the SCCI. Max 3 generations Produced from Pre-basic Seed Produced from Basic Seed Produced from Certified Seed, 1st generation (or higher class) Produced from Certified Seed, 2nd generation (or higher class) Produced from Certified Seed, 3rd generation (or higher class) Violet stripe on white Blank (White) Blue stripe on white Red stripe on white Green stripe on white
Seed Certification Process for Zambia variety testing (pre & post control growing tests) Variety release system Registration of seed growers Field inspection Seed sampling Laboratory analysis
Quarantine and Phytosanitary measures for seed. Implemented by ZARI Zambia is Party to: WTO OIE IPPC
Quarantine and Phytosanitary measures for seed. In the region, Zambia is party to COMESA SADC Great Lakes
Quarantine and Phytosanitary measures for seed. Zambia ratified the IPPC on the 26th June 1986 Zambia accepted the revised text in 2005 For that reason Zambia follows the obligations and rights in the Convention
Quarantine and Phytosanitary measures for seed. Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) ISPM 2 and 11 Surveillance ISPM 6 Issuance of Permits ISPM 7 and 12 Commodity Pest listing Decentralized Systems
Quarantine and Phytosanitary measures for seed. Seeds selected: Maize Sorghum Beans Wheat Cassava Zambia has already developed the pests lists for the above.
Changes necessary to align with harmonized seed legislation: - Period for testing varieties need to be uniform Need for Common seed certification schemes, standards, terminology etc Commodity Pest listing Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) Surveillance Issuance of Permits
Implementing institution Capacity Infrastructure, in terms of buildings and basic equipment. Challenges Low staffing levels/staff turnover Inadequate resources allocated for activities