Simple solutions to complex problems IJI IT GROUP We help maximize the profitability of your business through the introduction of IT-technologies Simple solutions to complex problems
The need to use IT-technologies: facilitate and accelerate the work of the enterprise; make the interaction between employees and customers convenient and comfortable; are the main weapon in the competitive struggle for markets, resources and profits. Simple solutions to complex problems
Simple solutions to complex problems Mission of IJI IT GROUP Provide each enterprise and entrepreneur highly informative and innovative technology for business tasks at an affordable price. Simple solutions to complex problems
IT-products IJI IT GROUP ERP- and CRM-systems It's all business processes of your company in one online service, available 24 hours a day. Manage your enterprise business processes and relationships with customers from all over the world. Simple solutions to complex problems
IT-products IJI IT GROUP The module for mass mailings and online surveys Get automatic reports on mass mailings and online surveys. The statistical and analytical reports associated with contacts. Simple solutions to complex problems
IT-products IJI IT GROUP Mobile Application "Calculation of the minimum subsistence level" You can make the calculation of the subsistence minimum for the population according to social standards in Ukraine. Simple solutions to complex problems
IT-products IJI IT GROUP System Administration Web site content You no longer require the services of programmers to adjust the content of your site or the information. Simple solutions to complex problems
IT-services IJI IT GROUP Websites, Portals, Internet shops - design and development Website Support and Promotion Website Audit Development of Custom Software Simple solutions to complex problems
Services of international offices IJI IT GROUP USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Israel and other countries Placement of information about your company in the directory of exporters, importers Participation in conferences, exhibitions, etc. Marketing. Date b2b. Organization of physical or virtual office of your company Polygraphy Translations Other services ... Simple solutions to complex problems
Consulting IJI IT GROUP Center of Economic, Scientific and Technological Development (CESTD) We provide services to improve competitiveness and increase the profitability of business customers, by developing a management strategy, the transformation of business processes and the selection of activities of enterprises. 1. Management consulting 2. Investment Consulting 3. Financial Management 4. Marketing research 5. Recruitment and selection of staff And much more... Simple solutions to complex problems
Simple solutions to complex problems Projects IJI IT GROUP International and regional information and marketing centers (RIMC) People are looking for products and services of your company, we help them to find you. Simple solutions to complex problems
Simple solutions to complex problems Projects IJI IT GROUP Regional exchange system The exchange of goods and services without money. Simple solutions to complex problems
Achievements and experience of the team IJI IT GROUP 1. Participation in organization and conduct of meetings of the Heads of State Summit. 2. Organization and ensuring of more than 50 interstate branch committees. 3. Organization, participation and development of the draft long-term development of the economic system of intergovernmental organizations over a long period. 4. Organization, participation and development of the project on development of interstate monetary system. 5. Organization, participation and development of the project on creation of the interstate information system. 6. Organization, participation and development of the project to establish an interstate system for food safety. 7. The organization, participation and development of the project on development of interstate system of scientific cooperation and innovative development. 8. Develop and maintain an information portal of the Council of heads of state administrations. 9. Experience in senior positions in the government district, regional, state and interstate level. 10. Prepared and published 5 monographs on the analysis of socio-economic models of society proposed new structure interaction on the basis of quantum-information theory of fractal development of social units (based on the theory of energy cooperation S. Podolynsky, V. Vernadsky noosphere theory, the theory of fractals B. Mandelbrodta) 11. Preparation and implementation of 5 projects at the district level by the UN Development Program. 12. Participation and support of social projects, cooperation with non-governmental non-profit organizations. 13. Development of the concept of national social project for the mutual exchange of goods and services among the population during the economic and financial crisis without the use of money. 14. Carrying out the work and preparation techniques for registration of land plots, change their purpose. 15. The vending company with the total number of payment terminals to 1,000 pieces. 15. Establishment and operation of vending company with the total number of payment terminals to 1,000 units. 16. Management of an investment project for construction of the business center (9 floors, 8 thousand sq. M). Simple solutions to complex problems
Achievements and experience of the team IJI IT GROUP 17. Development, maintenance and promotion of website Free Economic Zones (FEZ), which was awarded the best Free Economic Zones website in the world on II-nd International Convention of the FEZ (London, UK, 2001). 18. Carrying out of re-engineering information flows a large coal company (number of employees to 4000). 19. Legal service companies signed more than 100 agreements and 1,000 commercial contracts. 20. Organization and provision of brokerage services for customs clearance. 21. Assistance in recruitment to small, medium and large businesses "turn-key" (the number of employees from 20 to 4,500 new employees). 22. Methodical recommendations on the selection, recruitment and organization of personnel records in the enterprise. 23. The software for the analysis of economic activity of enterprises on the basis of financial and statistical reports (300 indicators and ratios that reflect the performance of the enterprise for different groups: investors, managers, heads of departments; the following areas: financial performance, sales, supply, marketing, production, human resources, etc.) 24. Developed business plans and obtain approval of state Authorities of 150 investment projects in 26 different types of economic activities. The amount of each investment project of more than 1 mln. US dollars. Attracted investments worth more than $ 1.4 billion. US dollars, including about the program of EBRD financing. 25. The software for the calculation of the economic indicators of investment projects. 26. Methodical recommendations on the preparation of business plans for investment projects with preferential investment regime. 27. Participation in the development of regulatory and methodological documentation on the organization and operation of industrial parks. Created 2 Technopark. 28. Developed 22 normative legal acts on the organization and functioning of free economic zones and territories of priority development. Organized 32 FEZ and TPD. Simple solutions to complex problems
Achievements and experience of the team IJI IT GROUP 29. Organization and management of regional innovation centers, state examination, control over the implementation of 115 innovation projects in various sectors of the economy. 30. Participation in organization of the trading house, which brings together 28 plants. 31. Participation in organization of one of the first carbon trading exchange in Ukraine. 32. The first international barter deliveries of production in the coal industry. 33. Automating time and attendance and payroll to large enterprises (over 4,000 employees). Simple solutions to complex problems
IJI IT GROUP Co-operation rather than competition should be the motto of mankind, If humanity is to survive. (Margrid Kennedy) We invite everyone to participate in and cooperate with us! Simple solutions to complex problems
Simple solutions to complex problems Contacts IJI IT GROUP Tel. +38 (044) 360-62-12 +38 (050) 380-14-56 +38 (093) 986-84-02 +38 (063) 205-84-81 E-mail: Web-site: Simple solutions to complex problems