Introduction to the Course aura Engaged Excellence in Research & Teaching Practices Mood Monitor Introduction to the Course Teaching Course 1, Day One, Session 1
Session Learning Outcomes By the end of this session you will: Demonstrate clear understanding of the learning outcomes of the course, and the course methodology (i.e. experiential and modelling good practice) Identify your pedagogical knowledge, skills, attitudes and values Introduce yourself to your peers, and begin to network
Learn through Experience… Hannes Grobe, Wikimedia commons
Ice Breaker Activity: Introductions Write down three words that best describe your teaching style or philosophy Now, introduce yourself to three people, you don’t know, in the room Tell them: Your name Your organisation and job Share the three words that describe your training style/philosophy
Ice-breaker Activity: Continued Photo credit: S Duvigneau
Quiz #1 Would you regard yourself as an educationalist? By this we mean: if you were asked to describe your primary area of focus, would the answer be ‘educationalist’? Yes No Not sure A B C
Quiz #2 How would you describe your knowledge of ‘teaching theory’? Basic Intermediate Advanced Not sure A B C D
Course Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes By the end of the course, participants will have: Identify and Apply instructional strategies that foster an educational environment conducive to independent learning Analyse the basics of four pedagogical theories (i.e. Behaviourism, Constructivism, Cognitivism and Connectivism) Evaluate how to respond to a range of learning preferences, and styles [This slide is made available for the facilitator to project the course objectives onto the wall]
Overview of Course Day One Day Two Theory Practical Workshop objectives / setting expectations Morning Reflection / Review Add Activity chosen Reflective Practice Formative Assessment Summative Assessment / Close
Rules (5 mins) Joe gratz, Flickr
Mood Monitor High points Low points ? Questions ! More info
The content is authored by: Siobhan Duvigneau, AURA Programme Manager, Institute of Development Studies, This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Non-commercial ShareAlike 3.0