Early River Valley Civilizations- lesson 1 Sumerian Civilization - ________Rivers Egyptian Civilization - ______River Harappan Civilization - _____ River Ancient China - __________River PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins H.S.
Taj Mahal
Dynasty wheel, the sail, the plow City-States Cuneiforms Irrigation STOP THE CLASS– review of River Valley Civilizations – 1 minute Dynasty wheel, the sail, the plow City-States Cuneiforms Irrigation ziggurats Hieroglyphics After-life Rosetta Stone Papyrus Cataract Pharaoh Pyramid Levees Sorrow Terrace farming Respect Ancestors Paper and ink Ideographs
Use a map to determine where human migrations is most likely Key Points to discover: Identify physical features of India, something you want to learn about the geography of India, write in down on the post it- ticket out the door!. Use a map to determine where human migrations is most likely Evaluate the geography and determine type of farming- GIVE AN EXAMPLE Identify the group of nomadic invaders and the effect on India’s culture.
Reminds me of… Indus River- a river in India; site of one of the earliest civilization. Dharma- Hinduism and Buddhist belief that laws order the universe, goodness brings goodness, evil brings evil. Cotton- crop that is used to make clothing. Spices- dried seeds or roots used in cooking and medicine.
Lesson 1- geography of India The Himalayas is a major mountain range in India. The Himalayas were created by huge plate tectonics. A small plate collided with a larger plate and is pushing up the larger plate. Mount Everest- highest peak in Himalayas and tallest mountain in the world.
49 L – 1.1 Geography of India According to the introduction on page 145, the physical geography allowed the people to settle down and develop a civilization. For example, the flat land was near a river creating a floodplain, which allows the land to produce silt that is good for farming. Next, the mountains as a natural barriers is good for protection, and thirdly, the rivers is for irrigation and fresh water. According to the map on page 144, the physical feature that separates India and China is the Himalaya Mountain range. According to paragraph 5 page 145, monsoons are strong rains. One positive effect of the monsoon season on farmers is that it brought water to crops and fields without irrigation. One negative effect of the monsoon season on farmers is that it can also blow away crops and destroy the crops because too much water kills the crops and too little rain kills crops.
The Ganges plain is the flat land that is around the Ganges River The Ganges plain is the flat land that is around the Ganges River. Hindus believe the river represents purity. The Indus River valley is the area that is around the Indus River , near a flood plain and surrounded by mountains. This is the site of the first civilizations in India.
Check up– Identify as many geographic features with a partner. 30 second pair share Check up– Identify as many geographic features with a partner. It’s Map Time- 59 R
Early River Valley Civilizations- lesson 2 Sumerian Civilization - ________Rivers Egyptian Civilization - ______River Harappan Civilization - _____ River Ancient China - __________River PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins H.S.
Dynasty wheel, the sail, the plow City-States Cuneiforms Irrigation STOP your partner– review – 30 seconds! Dynasty wheel, the sail, the plow City-States Cuneiforms Irrigation ziggurats Hieroglyphics After-life Rosetta Stone Papyrus Cataract Pharaoh Pyramid Levees Sorrow Terrace farming Respect Ancestors Paper and ink Ideographs
ENTER Harapan Civilization - Indus River The ruins of Mohenjo-Daro; Indus Valley ENTER
KEY points to discover: 1. Challenges the people along the Indus River faced? 2. Conclusions that have been drawn about the Indus River culture? 3. Theories about why the Indus Valley civilization ended around 1500 BCE?
1. Challenges the people along the Indus River faced? Unpredictable rivers (similar situation to _________region) Strong winds / monsoons (similar situation to _________ region) NOW-Compare your map with your neighbor and Identify the various physical features of India.– 30 seconds!
The Indus Valley civilization flourished around 2,500 B. C The Indus Valley civilization flourished around 2,500 B.C. and was home to the largest of the four ancient civilizations in the western part of South Asia- Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. It is often referred to as Harapan Civilization after its first discovered city, Harappa. PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins H.S.
Typical Harappa dwelling How is this home different from homes in other civilizations? Indus Harapan script has not been deciphered. This means basic questions about the people who created this highly complex culture are still unanswered. What is needed to solve this problem?
Identify and Compare the types of writing
Plumbing and sewage systems. Peaceful people – few weapons found. 2. Conclusions that have been drawn about Indus River culture? Began farming about 3,200 B.C. Traded cotton City laid out in grid. Plumbing and sewage systems. Peaceful people – few weapons found. What finding caused historians to believe India was peaceful? Compare India to another River Valley Civilization? What professional analyzes the artifacts? What new invention did archaeologist found in India?
What similarities do you noticed? What do you think could have caused the destruction of these buildings? Comments?? Left: The excavated ruins of Mohenjodaro – one of several planned cities laid out on a grid system in the Indus region.
What happened to the Harappan civilization on the Indus River? Above: The Great Bath at Mohenjo-Daro. Surrounding pics: various Harappan artifacts. String of beads, ca. 2600–1900 B.C.; Harappan. Indus Valley, Mohenjo-daro, DK 1541. Gold, vesuvianite or grossular garnet, agate, jasper, and steatite; L. 18 cm (7 1/8 in.). Mohenjo-daro Museum, Mohenjo-daro MM 1367. Courtesy of the Department of Archaeology and Museums, Ministry of Minorities, Culture, Sports, Tourism, and Youth Affairs, Government of Pakistan. Female figures with headdresses and jewelry, ca. 2600–1900 B.C.; Harappan. Indus Valley, Mohenjo-daro, DK 2384. Terracotta; H. 18.7 cm (7 3/8 in.); W. 9.5 cm (3 3/4 in.). National Museum, Karachi. This figure from Mohenjo-daro represents one of the main styles of female figures found in cities as well as smaller settlements throughout the Indus Valley region. The fan-shaped headdress originally had wide cup-shaped extensions on either side of the head, framed by braided tresses. PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins H.S.
natural disaster overworked the land Invaders 3. Three theories about why civilization ended? natural disaster overworked the land Invaders Harappans abandoning their city.
the Vedas “Book of Knowledge” Caste system Hinduism-polytheistic 4. History of Invaders Aryans- the Vedas “Book of Knowledge” Caste system Hinduism-polytheistic Persians- Developed roads and trading routes for cotton Zoroastianism- monotheistic religion First Empire Huns- Invaded and ended empire
The Aryans, based on page 148 paragraph 3 were a group of Indo-European tribes who began crossing the Hindu Kush into India. They were called the noble ones. 2. According to the Map on page 149, the Aryans passed through the Hindu Kush Mountains to reach the Indus Valley. 3. Based on the reading in paragraph 3, the word waves refers to groups of people.
Hinduism is considered to be the world’s oldest religion. PREVIEW Did you know? Hinduism is considered to be the world’s oldest religion.
Draw the caste system of India Be creative Be detailed Explain the differences in our society Then create your ideal social system and explain the order choice.
Pair share what you learned today and what you still want to know about India. Remind your partner about assignments due this week.--- Are you working on your Social Studies Fair?– Don’t forget your ticket out the door! Post it– what you learned or a question you have?
Early River Valley Civilizations- lesson 3 Sumerian Civilization - ________Rivers Egyptian Civilization - ______River Harappan Civilization - _____ River Ancient China - __________River PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins H.S.
Why is ancient India language different from the other civilizations?
How is India’s caste system different than other social class systems?
Check for Understanding Pair Share Share with your neighbor the order of the caste system of India
Early River Valley Civilizations- lesson 4 Sumerian Civilization - ________Rivers Egyptian Civilization - ______River Harappan Civilization - _____ River Ancient China - __________River PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins H.S.
Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BCE) Born in NE India (Nepal). Raised in great luxury to be a king. At 29 he rejected his luxurious life to seek enlightenment and the source ofsuffering. Rejecting this extreme, sat in meditation, and found nirvana. Became “The Enlightened One,” – the Buddah at 35.
50 L The three most important gods in the Hindu religion are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Based on page 151 in the captions, Brahma is the creator, Vishnu balances good and evil, and Shiva is the destroyer and responsible for all change. According to paragraph 6 on page 150, the concept of karma guides the Hindu people by helping people make good decisions in the life that they are living. For example, because a person believes that good brings good they are more likely to do good. In addition, if they believe that bad behavior brings trouble, they are more likely to avoid bad behavior Based on the text on page 150 paragraph 5, reincarnation has the word carne in the word and carne means flesh. So the word reincarnation means to get a new life or form many times over.
Hinduism is considered to be the world’s oldest religion. Major beliefs of Hinduism Caste system- every caste has specific jobs born into the caste and remain in the caste for life and marry into that caste. Polytheistic- gods and goddesses (thousands) Dharma- laws order the universe- good causes good and evil causes evil. --Reincarnation- life is a series of cycles, you die and come back into this earth as another form. Holy book--Vedas--Books of knowledge- contains songs and hymns of the Aryans. (like our Bible) Holy Site- Ganges River- to purify the people by dipping in the river. (baptize)
Four Noble Truths 1. There is suffering in the world. 2. The cause of suffering is self-centered desire 3.The solution is to eliminate desire 4. To reach nirvana, one must follow the Eightfold Path.
Follow the Eight Fold Path
50 R Shown on page 154 in the second paragraph it says that Siddhartha Gautama was a prince who gave up everything to search for the meaning and life and how to be joyful. The purpose of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold path, according to page 154 paragraph 3, is to end suffering and to live in peace and harmony. It also is to reach the state of nirvana. I think Buddhism became popular in India because of the caste system. The caste system was unrighteous and unfair system to the outcast and people wanted to end suffering.
Grapes of India Geography– River Valley Civilization; Monsoon Season; Earthquakes Indus and Ganges River Himalaya Mountain Range; Hindu Kush Mountains Great India Desert; Deccan Plateau Religion- Polytheistic ; Hinduism and Buddhism; reincarnation Achievements: Unknown language; planned cities; plumbing; cool the air through pools; inoculation (shot) Political Structure– Unknown Economy- Traders – outdoor marketplace; COTTON Social Class– Caste System