Nebraska FCCLA State Peer Education Teens Teaching Teens
Mission of Nebraska State Peer Officer Team The mission of Nebraska SPOT is to promote FCCLA National Programs utilizing leadership, development, family and consumer sciences content, and critical thinking skills to educate youth using a peer education model.
General Information Peer Education teams teach peers how to make better choices. Each team has a central focus. Each of the teams consists of five members.
SPOT National Program Focus To provide expansion of focus and opportunities the SPOT team shall represent all National Programs with peer education as a teaching model. The SPOT shall be divided into three teams and team shall be assigned 2 National Programs as defined below. In addition, the focus of each team shall change following the rotation listed below: School years beginning with an even number: Family Leader Team – STOP the Violence Career Leader Team – Career Connections Community Leader Team - FACTS School years beginning with an odd number: Family Leader Team – Families First Career Leader Team – Financial Fitness Community Leader – Student Body When applying for a SPOT position, students should consider their interests and experience with the teams that will be available, should they be selected.
Nebraska Peer Teams 17-18 The 3 peer education teams are: Families First Financial Fitness Student Body There are 5 officers for each team making a total of 15 state peer officers. The officer with the highest points for each team is on the SPOT (State Peer Officer Teams) council. Each team has 2 advisors.
Families First Families First is an FCCLA national peer education program through which youth gain a better understanding of how families work and learn skills to become strong family members. There are 5 units for the team. These units are guidelines for the team to create projects to teach people about families.
Families First Units The 5 units for Families First are: Families Today - Understand and celebrate families You-Me-Us - Strengthen family relationships Meet the Challenge - Overcome obstacles together Balancing Family and Career - Manage multiple responsibilities Parent Practice - Learn to nurture children
2017-2018 Family Leader Team Chairperson: Molly Paxton Vice Chairperson: Taylor Ketelsen Secretary: Makenna Welke Public Relations: Madeline Wittstruck Historian: Wryleigh Doyle Adviser: Marla Prusa Adviser: Pat Kassmeier
Financial Fitness Financial Fitness is an FCCLA national peer education program that involves youth teaching one another how to make, save, and spend money wisely. Through FCCLA’s Financial Fitness program, youth plan and carry out projects that help them and their peers learn to become wise financial managers and smart consumers. There are 5 units for Financial Fitness to help the team create projects to help people manage their finances.
Financial Fitness Units The 5 units for Financial Fitness are: Banking Basics - Conquer bank accounts, credit, and investments Cash Control - Track and plan personal spending Making Money - Sharpen on-the-job financial fitness Consumer Clout - Become a savvy spender Financing Your Future - Apply financial skills to real life
2017-2018 Career Leader Team Officers Chairperson: Sydney Erickson Vice Chairperson: Sabra Schmidt Secretary: Carolyn Nagengast Public Relations: Madison Jones Historian: Sydney Schildt Advisor: Suzanne Martin Advisor: Lisa Groth
Student Body Student Body is an FCCLA national peer education program that helps young people learn to eat right, be fit, and make healthy choices. Student Body has 4 units that help the team inform peers of healthy choices.
Student Body Units The 4 units for Student Body are: The Healthy You - Empowering teens to make wise food and lifestyle choices The Fit You - Empowering teens to take charge of their health and their level of fitness The Real You - Empowering teens to maintain positive mental health The Resilient You - Empowering teens to live in ways that build emotional health
2017-2018 Community Leader Team Officers Chairperson: Katie Patton Vice Chairperson: Audrey Worthing Secretary: Katlin Fleetwood Public Relations: Truman Lauck Historian: Leslie Aspen Adviser: Angie Ehlers
2017-2018 SPOT Council Chairperson: Sydney Erickson Vice Chairperson: Katie Patton Secretary: Molly Paxton Lead Advisor: Angie Ehlers
Team Member Responsibilities Chairperson- introduce team members & preside over team meetings Vice Chairperson- make team members’ displays, promote SPOT and Peer Retreat Secretary- take notes and send meeting overview to team members Public Relations Director- write articles for Red Leader and newspapers Historian- take pictures and keep team scrapbook updated
Selection Process To become a peer education team member select the team that best matches your interests and strengths. Complete an application form by Dec. 15th. The application will be scored, the 12 highest scored applications for each team move to phase two. Phase two takes place at State Leadership Conference in April. Each applicant will prepare a 3 minute presentation, take a test and be interviewed by a panel. The scores of all the phases are averaged and the applicants with the 5 highest scores are the new team members.
Peer Education Responsibilities *June Planning Meeting All members meet to plan year’s activities National FCCLA FLW (Fall Leadership Workshop) Current and prospective officers meet to develop leadership skills *Fall Planning Meeting *Various District Conferences Peer officers attend to present workshops *Peer Education Retreat Workshops for all FCCLA members highlighting peer education topics *State Leadership Conference *Asterisks indicate required meetings
Responsibilities at District Leadership Conference Team members present workshop sessions at District Leadership Conferences in the fall Topics for individual workshop sessions - Information that relates to each team’s focus areas - Specific areas of FCCLA requested by the district - How to become a Peer Education Officer - Factual information about FCCLA and its program Group ice breakers Educate peers about all of the FCCLA programs Peer officers may present sessions at individual chapters in their districts
Any Questions? Contact Angie Ehlers, Peer Education Lead Adviser @ Contact Kristin Vest, Nebraska State Adviser, @