OLPC / SugarLabs WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR 1 Three parts: 1st – general overview of OLPC / SugarLabs / Sugar 2nd – technical details with focus on where Fedora community can contribute Followed by Q&A 1
WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR Software Freedom Conservancy 501.3(c) non-profit foundation “to produce, distribute, and support the use of Sugar” WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR
WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR platform independent learning environment Collaboration Reflection Discovery WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR
WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR platform independent environment for learning learning Collaboration Reflection Discovery WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR
WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR platform independent environment for learning learning Collaboration Reflection Discovery WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR
WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR platform independent environment for learning learning Collaboration Reflection Discovery WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR
WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR ICT can be a powerful tool for education child-centric educator driven teacher assisting WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR The approach I have taken in the past is to ask the audience of engineers under what circumstances they learn best: sitting in a lecture or trying to debug a problem. Then ask why, if debugging is where the learning happens, we still seem to give children tools to mimic the all-eyes-forward style of learning we found so debilitating. Sugar aims to change all of that. Enough said. 7
WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR ICT can be a powerful tool for education child-centric educator driven teacher assisting WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR The approach I have taken in the past is to ask the audience of engineers under what circumstances they learn best: sitting in a lecture or trying to debug a problem. Then ask why, if debugging is where the learning happens, we still seem to give children tools to mimic the all-eyes-forward style of learning we found so debilitating. Sugar aims to change all of that. Enough said. 8
WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR ICT can be a powerful tool for education child-centric educator driven teacher assisting WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR The approach I have taken in the past is to ask the audience of engineers under what circumstances they learn best: sitting in a lecture or trying to debug a problem. Then ask why, if debugging is where the learning happens, we still seem to give children tools to mimic the all-eyes-forward style of learning we found so debilitating. Sugar aims to change all of that. Enough said. 9
WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR ICT can be a powerful tool for education child-centric educator driven teacher assisting WHO | WHAT | WHY OF SUGAR The approach I have taken in the past is to ask the audience of engineers under what circumstances they learn best: sitting in a lecture or trying to debug a problem. Then ask why, if debugging is where the learning happens, we still seem to give children tools to mimic the all-eyes-forward style of learning we found so debilitating. Sugar aims to change all of that. Enough said. 10
CURRENT STATE OF THINGS 0.82 software released 0.84 roadmap being worked on feedback from educators, students Microsoft didn‘t kill the Radio Star ~400.000 children in ~20 countries use Sugar CURRENT STATE OF THINGS The approach I have taken in the past is to ask the audience of engineers under what circumstances they learn best: sitting in a lecture or trying to debug a problem. Then ask why, if debugging is where the learning happens, we still seem to give children tools to mimic the all-eyes-forward style of learning we found so debilitating. Sugar aims to change all of that. Enough said. 11
Contact SugarLabs OLPC Fedora-OLPC SIG lists.sugarlabs.org It‘s an education project Weekly community news www.sugarlabs.org OLPC lists.laptop.org Devel Sugar Weekly communiy news wiki.laptop.org Fedora-OLPC SIG www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-olpc-list Hand over to Marco 12