The Nautical Network Puzzle How to build the (European) waterway network for RIS Corridor Management Christoph Plasil Pittsburgh, 21. September 2017
Background Inland Navigation is an international business Availability of the waterways (and info about their dimension, limitations etc.) in various countries is a prerequisite for safe navigation and voyage planning RIS have been deployed in several countries and are usually operated and provided regionally
River Information Services The four key RIS technologies provide navigation with powerful tools and information. Be it ENCs of the waterways, blockages and other limitations via NtS, vessel position information via Inland AIS or electronic reporting of cargo and voyages. Of course these are the basic technologic enablers, a lot of enhanced Services (e.g. for logistics) can be built on top of them. With good reason users expect services to work seamless. The further enhanced services are, the more they have to be linked and integrated with each other.
RIS enabled Corridor Management 15 Partners 13 Countries 7 Project Corridors RIS is there, all good you might think. Well not quite because when it comes to authorities providing RIS - they usually stay within their box / their area / purely their domain. I announced a puzzle, here it starts. To get an idea about the Nautical Network Puzzle we will have a look at Europe. Looking at the map we see 13 coloured puzzle stones being the European countries involved in the RIS COMEX project. COMEX stands for Corridor Management Execution.
RIS enabled Corridor Management Fairway authorities in 13 countries join forces to overcome the borders of their area of competence Enhanced services for route and voyage planning on wider geographical scale are being defined and implemented Fairway information Traffic Information Information for logistics
RIS enabled Corridor Management For voyage planning it is essential to know where objects of relevance are located how these objects are connected with each other if/when the objects and links are available RIS Index was established as repository for object reference data including a Unique Object ID (ISRS Location Code) All RIS standards are making use of the RIS Index / are compatible with the RIS Index
RIS Object Reference Data ERDMS (European Ref. Data Management System) National Ref. DB
RIS Object Reference Data
RIS Object Reference Data
RIS Object Reference Data
The Network Puzzle RIS Index only includes ‘points’ For waterway network ‘links’ different national authorities have their own definition of relevant basis data might not have required information First experience gained in CoRISMa NNDS pilot (2014-2015) To meet the requirements of voyage planning a uniform digital Nautical Network Data Service (NNDS) is to be developed including common definition of the physical links already available IWT objects (RIS Index) Identify relevant parameters for waterway links, Agree on a common definition for waterway network data taking into account requirements of RIS and voyage planning applications Build a waterway network model
CoRISMa NNDS pilot CoRISMa – NNDS pilot
CoRISMa NNDS pilot Connecting Hectometer Stones, defining the links between the objects an their characteristics E.g. travel direction
CoRISMa NNDS pilot – network graph
Thank you for your attention! Christoph Plasil Senior RIS expert M +43 664 82842 1612 Donau-City-Straße 1, 1220 Vienna