Background Dalhousie’s Alcohol Advisory Committee: VP Student Affairs (Chair) Associate or Assistant Dean 3 representatives from Student Affairs 1 representative from the Human Rights & Equity Services (HRES) Director, Security Services General Counsel License Designates DSU President DSU VP Student Life DASA President 1 representative from the Nova Scotia Health Authority Manager, Organizational Health or designates Dalhousie University recognizes the need to create and maintain a safe and secure environment in which the consumption of alcohol on campus does not harm or distrupt the teaching, learning, health and living environment of members of the University community.
Why we’re here The Alcohol Policy applies to the marketing, distribution, sale and consumption of alcohol by a member of the University community. The Dalhousie Student Union (DSU) Council: is a key stakeholder identified in all university policy implementation plans that affect students has 2 representatives on the Alcohol Advisory Committee has licensed establishments (Grawood, T-Room, Muse) and bar services is responsible for its society members and their events may receive donation or sponsorship requests from companies which produce or distribute alcohol
What you need to know: All on and off-campus events with alcohol service have to be approved in advance by the DSU Member Services Coordinator – events organized by groups other than ratified DSU societies have to be approved by the Vice-Provost, Student Affairs Advertising cannot: show people drinking alcohol, show irresponsible behavior, imply driving after drinking is acceptable, include minors, depict alcohol as a status symbol (and only advertisements in licensed areas can include logos and alcohol prices) Pub crawls and drinking games (activities that encourage excessive drinking or risky or harmful use) are not permitted All sponsorship & donations have to be approved by the DSU Member Services Coordinator There are consequences for failing to abide by the policy ***This is not an exhaustive list of all policy details. Students should read the full alcohol policy to ensure compliance.
Additional FAQs: How did the policy change? Where can the policy be found? How is an “off-campus event” defined? Do penalties for violating the policy apply to the society or individual? What else is Dalhousie doing to minimize the harms of alcohol?
Post-Secondary Education Partnership on Alcohol Harm Reduction (PEP-AH) Strategic areas: Health promotion, prevention & education Campus services Availability and marketing Pricing of alcohol Community action Three approaches: Individual Environmental Systemic