TRCC Roundtable August 9, 2016
What’s In a Strategic Plan? Executive Summary Vision Mission Environmental Analysis, SWOT Analysis Goals, Objectives Strategies, Action Plans Planning Process Other Items?
How did you develop your plan? Did you have assistance from a GO Team? Did your TRCC Develop the plan?
What else does your plan include: Identification of and how to address data system deficiencies? Strategies to address data timeliness, accessibility, completeness, uniformity, integration, & accessibility? How your TRCC uses its funds to undertake your plan goals?
What else does your plan include: A process to prioritize traffic records projects? A process to identify performance measures for the 6 core data systems? A process to identify technical assistance and training needs?
What else does your plan include: A process to leverage Federal funds and assistance programs in the strategic plan? A process to establish timelines and responsibilities for projects? A process for integrating state and local data needs & goals into the plan?
What else does your plan include: Consideration of the use of new technology when developing and maintaining traffic records projects? Consideration of lifecycle costs when implementing traffic records projects? Responsiveness to the needs of stakeholders including local users?
What else does your plan include: Impediments to coordination with key Federal traffic record data systems? A process to review & update annually?
Luke Johnson NHTSA Program Analyst Karla Houston Louisiana TRCC Coordinator 225-578-7057