A Knight in Shinning Armour By: Emily McConaghy, Jennifer Gordon and Cailin Whincop
An honoured man who tends to woo the ladies, come to the rescue and save the day, or a particular person; a hero. Originated from gallant knights rescuing fair maidens in distress Mainly came from Victorian novelists and painters Armour was worn by royalty, and did shine
Early 19th Century/Today The Ancient Ballad of Prince Baldwin Hark! the martial trumpets sounding. For the gallant fete prepare; Many a Knight in shining armour Shews his dauntless prowess there. Today, knights in shining armour generally wear various things and do not generally ride horses.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Jealous Queen poisons Snow White She can only be saved by “loves first kiss” Prince comes across princess in glass coffin and kisses her which breaks the spell They live happily ever after… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrZW_Vq3tuo
Sydney White Evil Queen (the popular girl on campus) Magic Mirror (Schools hot list) Seven dwarfs (dorks) Prince Charming (the popular guy on campus) Of course she gets the guy in the end Another Happily Ever After… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXQABfaPjP0
Ryan Atwood – The OC He is always saving his on again off girlfriend Marissa He is an attractive average guy There were three major times Ryan rescued Melissa When she was passed out and her friends left her on her front door When she over-dosed in Mexico, he went searching for her until he found her He saved her from a guy who was completely obsessed with her and who threatened her life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSnVW4pp_44&feature=related
Edward Cullen – Twilight Saga He is constantly saving his love Bella from constant danger His supernatural powers have enabled him to save her in ways the average human could not Saves Bella on three occasions in “Twilight” Stops a van from hitting Bella Stops a gang from hurting Bella Stops vampires from attacking Bella
Superman “Faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than a locomotive, able to bend steel with his bare hands” Disguised as Clark Kent, newspaper reporter for “The Daily Mirror” He was against evil He could see and hear crisis taking place and he would come to the rescue He would save anyone in need, particularly his girlfriend Lois Lane Everyone would appreciate him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1PK6QLjgmY
Almost all Fairy Tales have a strong representation of the “night in shining armour” Do you think we have stepped away from the whole idea of prince charming coming to save the day? Or is it still often used to this day? Do you think we should step away from the cliché of the “night in shining amour” within literature and media? How has this stereotype influenced us and our outlook?