Stages of Protracted Ethnic Conflicts Dr. Jared O. Bell, Assistant Professor of International Relations & Public Administration Faculty of Business and Administration International University of Sarajevo
How would you define a protracted conflict? What is a protracted conflict? How would you define a protracted conflict?
A protracted conflict is a conflict that is long enduring, severe, complicated. What are so examples of protracted Ethnic conflicts going on around the globe now? Protracted Conflict
Two Important Types of Protracted Ethnic Conflicts Asymmetric Symmetric Two Important Types of Protracted Ethnic Conflicts
Asymmetric Conflicts Conflicts that arise between dissimilar parties. Example: Between a rebel group and a government Asymmetric Conflicts
Symmetric Conflicts Conflicts of interest between two similar parties. Example: Two different ethnic groups who maybe warring over resources. Symmetric Conflicts
Stages of Conflict of a Protracted Conflict
“Latent conflict" exists whenever individuals, groups, organizations, or nations have differences that bother one or the other, but those differences are not great enough to cause one side to act to alter the situation ( Brahm, 2003) What are some examples that may cause latent conflicts? Latent Conflict
Is the stage in which a conflict erupts and becomes visible to all parties. Conflict Emergence
is the stage in which a conflict grows and moves beyond just disagreement or incompatibility. Conflict Escalation
Conflict De-escalation is the stage where the conflict lessens and parties can begin negotiating on moving beyond the issue that cause the conflict initially. Conflict De-escalation
Conflict Escalation Versus Conflict De-escalation
Is the stage where all parties agree on specific terms to move forward and the conflict ends. Are conflicts Managed? Or Settled? Settlement
More definitions (2) “Conflict settlement aims at establishing an institutional framework in which the conflicting interests of the different principal conflict parties … can be accommodated to such an extent that incentives for cooperation and the non-violent pursuit of conflicts of interest through compromise outweigh any benefits that might be expected from violent confrontation” (Wolff 2006: 134-135).
Conflict settlement aims at establishing an institutional framework in which the conflicting interests of the different principal conflict parties … can be accommodated to such an extent that incentives for cooperation and the non-violent pursuit of conflicts of interest through compromise outweigh any benefits that might be expected from violent confrontation” (Wolff 2006: 134-135). Conflict Settlement
Conflict management is an attempt to contain or limit the effects of an ongoing ethnic conflict.
Others Terms that maybe used Both of the above are distinct from conflict resolution, conflict transformation and reconciliation. Others Terms that maybe used
Post-Conflict Peace Building & Reconciliation This is the stage where parties in a conflict work to rebuild or fix damaged social institutions. This is also a point where parties work to apologize and/or forgive one another for wrong doings committed during conflict. Post-Conflict Peace Building & Reconciliation
Negative peace: absence of direct or personal violence (Galtung 1969; 1985); most often conceptualised as the absence of war (armed hostilities); Positive peace: absence of structural violence (ibid.). According to Barnes (2009) positive peace has been achieved “where democratic governance is established, where human rights are protected, and where sustained progress can be made towards development” Definitions of Peace
Peace Processes Peacemaking Peace Building Ways of Peace
Peace processes are “persistent peace initiatives involving the main antagonists in a protracted conflict” (Darby and MacGinty 2002: 2). Peace processes
While peacemaking is concerned with bringing hostile parties to an agreement (Barnes 2009)
peacebuilding is more comprehensive, involving sustained and multidimensional efforts to address the structural causes of conflict … and to reconcile relationships Peacebuilding