Anatomy and function of extraocular muscles Anatomy and function of extraocular muscles. (A) Extraocular muscles in the left orbit (lateral view). (B) An illustration of the right eye viewed from above in the primary position (center figure) showing the angle of attachment of the superior and inferior rectus muscles and the superior and inferior oblique muscles. With the eye directed to the right, the superior and inferior rectus muscles can now be examined as pure elevators and depressors of the globe (right image), and with the eye deviated to the left, the oblique muscles can now be examined as pure elevators and depressors of the globe as illustrated in C. (C) The six cardinal positions of gaze for testing eye movement. The eye is adducted by the medial rectus and abducted by the lateral rectus. The adducted eye is elevated by the inferior oblique and depressed by the superior oblique; the abducted eye is elevated by the superior rectus and depressed by the inferior rectus. Source: Neuro-Ophthalmic Disorders, Clinical Neurology, 9e Citation: Aminoff MJ, Greenberg DA, Simon RP. Clinical Neurology, 9e; 2015 Available at: Accessed: January 23, 2018 Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved