III., IV. and VI. cranial nerves Domina Petric, MD ALLPPT.com _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts
III. cranial nerve (n. occulomotorius) Nuclei are located in tegmentum mesencephali (colliculi superiores): nucleus n. oculomotorii (general somatic efferent fibres) nucleus accessorius n. oculomotorii (general visceral efferent fibres)
Image available on: TeachMeAnatomy.com Parasympathetic fibres go from oculomotor nerve into the ciliary ganglion and then form short ciliary nerves for the innervation of ciliar muscle and sphincter pupillae muscle. TeachMeAnatomy.com
Branches of the oculomotor nerve Three branches! r. superior r. inferior r. ad ganglion ciliare (radix parasympathica ganglii ciliaris) m. rectus superior m. levator palpebrae m. rectus medialis m. rectus inferior m. obliquus inferior m. ciliaris m. sphincter pupillae
IV. cranial nerve (n. trochlearis) Nucleus is located in tegmentum mesencephali (colliculi inferiores): nucleus n. trochlearis (general somatic efferent fibres)
IV. cranial nerve (n. trochlearis) It has the longest way from the brain to the muscle that innervates! Innervates the superior oblique muscle (m. obliquus superior).
Image available on: Ophthnotes.com
VI. cranial nerve (n. abducens) Nucleus is located in tegmentum of rhomboid fossa (colliculus facialis): nucleus n. abducentis (general somatic efferent fibres) Wikipedia
VI. cranial nerve (n. abducens) Innervates: lateral rectus muscle (m. rectus lateralis)
Image available on: https://epsomtissuetech.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/abducens-nerve.jpg
Literature: TeachMeAnatomy.com Ophthnotes.com Wikipedia Krmpotić-Nemanić J. Marušić A. Anatomija čovjeka, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2007.