John Stezaker
What kind of work is the artist known best for ? John Stezaker’s work re-examines the various relationships to the photographic image: as documentation of truth, purveyor of memory, and symbol of modern culture. In his collages, Stezaker appropriates images found in books, magazines, and postcards and uses them as ‘readymades’. Through his elegant juxtapositions, Stezaker adopts the content and contexts of the original images to convey his own witty and poignant meanings. He’s known for his collages
Which is their most famous piece or series ? This collage is from the marriage collection.
Where was the artist born? When? Are they still alive? John Grenville Stezaker (born 1949) Worcester England John Stezaker is alive
Does the artist fit into any kind of art movement ? He was among the first wave of British conceptual artists to react against what was then the predominance of Pop art.
What exhibitions where they in ? 1970 John Stezaker: Works, 1969-1971, Sigi Krauss Gallery, London 2005 Archiv & Erzählung [Archives and Narration]: John Stezaker and T.J. Wilcox, Kunstverein Muenchen, Munich 2011 The Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK then touring to MUDAM, Luxembourg, and Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, USA Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York, US 1989 New Work, Salama-Caro Gallery, London Glenn Dash Gallery, Los Angeles
What is special about this artist. The special thing about John Stezaker is the way he uses images of men and woman and combines them together.