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Latitude & Longitude
What do we call the two numbers we use to locate places on Earth? Latitude and Longitude
Lines of latitude These lines are also called parallels since they never touch. The starting place for all the lines of latitude is known as the equator. The equator’s measurement is 0o.
How are the lines of latitude like the steps of a ladder? Lines of latitude look like the steps of the ladder.
E W 900N – north pole 900S – south pole Lines north of the equator E W Lines south of the equator 900S – south pole What direction on a compass do latitude lines run? West to east What compass directions do latitude lines measure in? North or south of the equator What is the greatest measurement a latitude line can measure? 90o north or 90o south of the equator
Latitude Lines
Latitude Lines:
Longitude lines are also called meridians. A meridian is a ½ Circle. Why do you think lines of longitude are called meridians? Longitude lines make ½ circles around the globe.
What do we call the starting place for all lines of longitude? Prime Meridian 0o longitude
north south west east What direction do longitude lines run? North and south What directions do longitude lines measure in? West and east (of the prime meridian) What is the greatest measurement? 1800 (no E or W – this is known as the international date line) north west east south
Prime Meridian in Greenwich England
How do we use latitude and longitude How do we use latitude and longitude? * Be sure to always say your latitude first and always include compass directions! To find a latitude line such as 60 degrees north latitude, you must do three things: 1. Go to your starting line (the Equator). 2. Determine which direction you must go (north or south). 3. Determine the distance in degrees you must go (60).
Finding Longitude To find a longitude line such as 40 degrees east longitude, you must do three things: 1. Go to your starting line (the Prime Meridian). 2. Determine which direction you must go (east or west). 3. Determine the distance in degrees you must go(40).
This is where 600N and 400E would be on a map.
Greatest Possible Measurement What did you learn? Latitude Longitude Lines Run (Direction) Lines Measure (Direction) Starting Point (Reference Line) Greatest Possible Measurement Also known as East & west North & south North & south East & west Prime Meridian Equator 90oN or 90oS 180 degrees Parallels Meridians