February half term :- 12th to the 16th 2018 inclusive North Star Nursery Holiday Club Spring Celebration week February half term :- 12th to the 16th 2018 inclusive To book please email: info@northstarnursery.co.uk External Client rates: Full day 8.30-5.30 £21.74 Short day £19.18 sibling discounts on full days, fees to be paid in full when booking has been confirmed. Research Council Client rates: Full day 8.30-5.30 £20.22 Short day£18.39 Sibling discounts on full days, fees to be paid in full when booking has been confirmed. Hot meal details to follow- must be pre booked by Wednesday 7th February by return of form. Cost £1.95 each Activities will celebrate:- Shrove Tuesday. Valentine’s Day, Lent, Chinese New Year Cooking, Music, Costumes, crafts, History, symbols