Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants West Newbury Working Group December 4, 2017
Agenda Process to Date Build-out Scenarios Assumptions Results Options for Potential Package Treatment Plant Size Location Financing Next Steps Discussion Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Process to Date
Why Evaluate Sewage Treatment Options? Constraint on economic development in the Town Center Difficulty/inability to replace systems that fail Title V-compliant systems may prohibit/make certain uses more difficult Land used for leach fields is land that cannot be used for buildings, parking, or amenities Constraint on additional housing in the Town Center Title V-compliant systems limit density Land is devoted to septic systems rather than buildings Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Working Group Meetings July 27 Introduction to study process Discussion of West Newbury’s needs, possibilities, and concerns September 29 General information about sewage treatments – systems, management, financing, operating structures Specific information about West Newbury and the potential implications Resources and case studies for review Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants September 28, 2017 Build Out Analysis
Four Scenarios Base Case Scenario: Town Center as service area Base Case Scenario: Town Center with additional 4 parcels as service area Scenario A: Mixed Use Town Center Scenario B: Mixed Use Town Center and Expanded Service Area Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants September 28, 2017
Estimating the Current and Future Flows 91 total parcels with 25 unique property descriptions Actual usage values wherever possible For everything else, usage was estimated by pairing property descriptions with the most relevant Title V Criteria and its corresponding Design Flow Any assumption moved towards greater estimated use, e.g. Single-Family homes were assumed to have 4 bedrooms (440 GPD), rather than three (330 GPD). Sample Pairings (Assessor = Title V) Single Family Residential = Family Dwelling, Single (110 GPD per Bedroom, min. flow: 330 GPD) Developable Residential Land = Family Dwelling, Multiple (110 GPD per Bedroom, min. flow: 330 GPD) Medical Office Building = Doctor’s Office (250 GPD per Doctor) Auto Repair Facilities = Service Station, No Gas (150 GPD per Bay) Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Base Case Scenario: Town Center Total No of Parcels: 20 Betterment Units: 24 Estimated Current Flow: 8,881GPD Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Base Case Scenario: Town Center+ 4 parcels that are likely to be developed: 360 Main Street (“Mullen Property”) 34.19 acres (2 Parcels) Map R10, Lot 33 and 42A (“Daley Property”) 8.5 acres (plus land outside center) 317 Main Street (“Dunn Property”) 14.78 acres Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Base Case Scenario: Town Center+ 360 Main Street (“Mullen Property”) + 34 Betterment Units (33 2-BR and 1 1-BR) + 7,400 GPD Most aggressive scenario. Estimate is from a soil and percolation test dated 7/13/2005. 317 Main Street (“Dunn Property”) + 15 Betterment Units + 7,040 GPD (16 units x 4 bedrooms per unit x 110 gallons per day per bedroom) Estimate was created by dividing the lot area (643,000 SF) by minimum lot size in Residential C district. Map R10, Lot 33 and 42A (“Daley Property”) + 34 Betterment Units + 14,960 GPD (34 units x 4 bedrooms per unit x 110 gallons per day per bedroom) Estimate was created with a unit count provided by the Town staff. This count assumes the development of a connected 13.65-acre parcel that is not within the current study area. Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Base Case Scenario: Town Center+ Total No of Parcels: 24/25 Betterment Units: 107(additional 83 Betterment Units) Estimated Future Flow: 37,841GPD Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Scenario A: Mixed Use Town Center Total No of Parcels:20 Betterment Units: 31 Estimated Future Flow: 10,281GPD Of the 20 parcels, just 7 are residential and could therefore accommodate further retail use. Study assumes that all ground floor SF is newly dedicated to retail uses (50 GPD per 1,000SF, minimum: 200 GPD) but residential BR counts stay consistent Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Scenario B: Mixed Use Town Center+ Total No of Parcels: 91 Betterment Units: 190 Estimated Future Flow: 73,430 GPD Assumes Town Center parcels allow mixed use, sewage district expands to Bachelor Street in east, Newell Farm Drive in west and to Maple Street in South Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Scenario Summary Totals (GPD) Base Case: Town Center and Developable Parcels Scenario A: Mixed Use Town Center Scenario B: and Expanded Sewage District Total No of Parcels 20 24/25 91 Betterment Units 24 107 31 190 Usage Flow (GPD) 8,881 37,841 +10,281 73,430 Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Massachusetts Regulatory Context State Environmental Code, Title 5 (310 CMR 15.00) Systems with design flows less than 10,000 gallons per day 10,000 gallons =~ 30 3-bedroom units or 200,000 square feet of retail space Two types: Individual houses or commercial properties Shared or cluster systems up to 20-30 residences Administered by the Board of Health Setbacks from wetlands and waterways, soil requirements and depth to groundwater requirements Innovative/Alternative Septic Technologies Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Scenario Summary Totals (GPD) Base Case: Town Center and Developable Parcels Scenario A: Mixed Use Town Center Scenario B: and Expanded Sewage District Total No of Parcels 20 24/25 91 Betterment Units 24 107 31 190 Usage Flow (GPD) 8,881 37,841 +10,281 73,430 Suggested Systems Cluster Systems Satellite System Cluster system--serving nearby properties with an aggregate flow less than 10,000 gallons per day (gpd), roughly equivalent to 30 three-bedroom homes. Satellite system--serving an area of a town with an aggregate flow greater than 10,000 gpd (and thus requiring a DEP groundwater discharge permit), and as much as 300,000 gpd. Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Construction Costs: $ per gpd of Capacity Based on Comparison of Costs for Wastewater Management Systems Applicable to Cape Cod – April 2010 (ENR Construction Cost Index of 8600) 10,000 gpd: $70 per gpd of design flow ($87 per gpd – May 2017) 100,000 gpd: $35 per gpd of design flow ($44 per gpd – May 2017) 1,000,000 gpd: $17 per gpd of design flow ($21 per gpd – May 2017) May 2017 costs based on ENR Construction Cost Index of 10692 gpd = gallons per day Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Construction Costs: $ per gpd of Capacity $49 ($61 – 2017 $) $39 ($48 – 2017 $) Source: Comparison of Costs for Wastewater Management Systems Applicable to Cape Cod. – April 2010 (ENR Construction Cost Index of 8600) Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
O&M Costs: $/Yr gpd of Actual Flow Based on Comparison of Costs for Wastewater Management Systems Applicable to Cape Cod. – April 2010 (ENR Construction Cost Index of 8600) 10,000 gpd: $13 per gpd of average flow ($17 per gpd – May 2017) 100,000 gpd: $5 per gpd of design flow ($7 per gpd – May 2017) 1,000,000 gpd: $2 per gpd of design flow ($3 per gpd – May 2017) May 2017 costs based on ENR Construction Cost Index of 10692 gpd = gallons per day O&M = Operations and Maintenance Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
O&M Costs: $/Yr gpd of Actual Flow $9 ($12 – 2017 $) $7 ($9 – 2017 $) Source: Comparison of Costs for Wastewater Management Systems Applicable to Cape Cod. – April 2010 (ENR Construction Cost Index of 8600) Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Order of Magnitude Cost Estimates : Unit Unit Price Base Case: : Town Center Tow::n Center and Developable Parcels Scenario A: Mixed Use Town Center Scenario B: Mixed Use Town Center with Expanded Sewage District Total No of Parcels 20 24/25 91 Betterment Units 24 107 31 190 Usage Flow (GPD) GPD 8,881 37,841 10,281 73,430 Suggested Systems Cluster Systems Satellite System System Costs $ 772,895 2,305,256 894,734 3,560,399 O&M Costs 99,372 329,322 115,037 456,461 Collection System Lengths Main Street (LF) LF 1,600 2,500 4,500 Maple Street (LF) 300 900 Disposal System Length 2,600 Order of Magnitude Cost of Collection System at $240/LF 12" Gravity Sewer 240 456,000 672,000 1,296,000 Total System Costs 1,228,895 3,601,256 1,974,734 5,480,399 System Costs/Betterment Unit 51,204 33,657 63,701 28,844 Yearly O&M Costs 4,141 3,078 3,711 2,402 Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Assumptions Construction Cost Data from 14 facilities located in southeastern Massachusetts built over a 13-year period prior to 2009 Report data adjusted to make it current to 2009 based on ENR Cost Construction Index 8600. Data further projected forward to May 2017 based on ENR Cost Construction Cost Index 10692 Design flows range from 15,000 gpd to 2.3 million gallons per day (mgd) Calculation included deriving pure construction cost of treatment, and excluding costs of collection, transport or disposal. The cost estimating procedure later adds a consistent allowance for non- construction aspects of capital cost such as design, permitting, construction phase engineering services, legal expenses and land Cape Cod study includes the general cost of land in Construction Costs. For West Newbury the cost of may increase or reduce the construction cost based on the need to acquire land or use Town owned land Collection system calculations assume that the system will comprise of gravity sewers. Pump Stations have been excluded from the cost Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants December 4, 2017
Next Steps
Next Steps: Massachusetts Smart Growth Toolkit Develop a Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan Identify Larger Projects as Anchor Opportunities Identify and Procure Sources of Public Funding Provide Density Incentives Where Appropriate Be Aware of TDML Programs and Nitrogen Sensitive Areas in Your Community Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants September 28, 2017
Next Steps for West Newbury This Process Presentation to the Board of Selectmen Final PowerPoint; draft and final report Future Actions Community conversation (use materials from this process) Determine who connects now; in the future Evaluate options for plant type, sites, financing mechanisms Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants September 28, 2017
Discussion Harriman DHCD | West Newbury: Investigation of District Package Treatment Plants September 28, 2017