S.Dalla Torre, L. Ropelewski RD51 COMMUNICATIONS S.Dalla Torre, L. Ropelewski RD51 collaboration meeting, 12-14/9/2016 Silvia DALLA TORRE
RD51 CALENDAR Thanks to João and the whole Aveiro team for the organization of the Collaboration Meeting (12-14/9/2016) and the Workshop MPGD application beyond fundamental science (15/9/2016) Perfect organization Warm hospitality Second miniweek @ CERN, in December: dates selected by the MB: from Monday 12/12/16 (lunch time) till Thursday 15/12/16 (lunch time) RD51 collaboration meeting, 12-14/9/2016 Silvia DALLA TORRE
MPGD2017 5th International Conference on Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors MPGD 2017 and the RD51 Collaboration meeting will be hosted at the TEMPLE University Philadelphia 22-27 May 2017 RD51 collaboration meeting, 12-14/9/2016 Silvia DALLA TORRE
RD51 annual report, LHCC minutes On 26/5/2016 report at the LHCC open session slides presented by Leszek at site: https://indico.cern.ch/event/527359/contributions/2158540/attachments/1278658/1898412/RD51_LHCC_May_2016.pdf HLCC minutes: RD51 description RD51 collaboration meeting, 12-14/9/2016 Silvia DALLA TORRE
RD51 annual report, LHCC minutes HLCC minutes, continuation: Activity, past Activity, future LHCC recommendation RD51 collaboration meeting, 12-14/9/2016 Silvia DALLA TORRE
RD51 MB election 3 vacancies: 5 candidacies, results Atsuiko OCHI, now CB deputy Gianni BENCIVENNI, he resigned due to professional overload Harry van der GRAAF : he resigned due to professional overload To Atsuiko, Gianni and Harry: warm thanks 5 candidacies, results Participation 52.8 % (a record !!! ) Results : Congratulations to the elected MB members Thanks to all candidates for offering to dedicate their energies to RD51 candidate votes E.Radicioni 35 elected Y.Tsipolits 32 S.Mukhopadhyay 21 K.Gnanvo 19 F.Garcia 16 RD51 collaboration meeting, 12-14/9/2016 Silvia DALLA TORRE
New Common Projects 2 submitted, both proposed fro approval by the MB the financial support level will be discussed at the CB New scintillating gases and structures for next-generation scintillation-based gaseous detectors Contact persons: Diego Gonzalez-Diaz, Elisabetta Baracchini Institutes: UT Arlington, IFIC-Valencia, INFN–Roma, INFN- LNF, AIST/University of Tokyo, Santiago de Compostela University* (adhesion to RD51 pending: newly created group), Royal-Holloway London* (adhesion to RD51 pending) Sampling Calorimetry with Resistive Anode MPGDs (SCREAM) Contact persons: Maximilien Chefdeville Institutes: CNRS/IN2P3/LAPP, Weizmann Institute of Science, Demokritos/INP, CEA/IRFU, University of Aveiro, University of Coimbra RD51 collaboration meeting, 12-14/9/2016 Silvia DALLA TORRE