Phil. 213.02 Moral Issues In America Day 7
The norms of the market are appropriate for regulating its production, exchange and enjoyment... Use Valuation Appreciation
With the Volunteer Military Does market ensure freedom/choice? Do we feel the sacrifice equally? With Surrogate Motherhood Are infertile women within their rights to pay a surrogate? Is the surrogate free to back out and keep the child afterall?
What does Andrew Carnegie have in common with the following political figures?
Draft Deferment in 1968 Prior to enlisting in Texas Air National Guard Draft Deferments in 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966 & 1967
They all got out of Conscription!
Drafting Soldiers Or Hiring Them?
The Case For Volunteer Army Better Pay & Benefits for Soldiers No Conscription For Others Utilitarianism Greatest Happiness
Civic Virtue & the Common Good Fairness & Freedom Civic Virtue & the Common Good
Do Markets Enslave? If so, How?
The Tyranny of Choice
Pregnancy for Pay
Outsourcing Pregnancy
How free are the choices we make in a free market?” “It is hard to imagine two human activities more dissimilar than bearing children and fighting wars. But the pregnant surrogates in India and the soldier Andrew Carnegie hired to take his place in the Civil War have something in common… How free are the choices we make in a free market?” ~Sandel: 101,102
For Monday Focus on pages 144--156 of the JUSTICE: A READER, “Is Women’s Labor a Commodity?” Quote #4 is Due. Underlying Issues Presentations!