Welcome to 4th Grade Curriculum Night! Mr. VanNorman Mrs. Hubble and Miss Dennings
Common Core http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IGD9oLofks
Math Math Groupings: 2 mixed classes and 1 above grade level Think Math Homework: Effort is everything. Parent Help: Parent Letters sent home for beginning of units when needed. Multiplication, Long Division, Area and Perimeter, Factors, Fractions, Geometry, Algebra, Data and Probability, Measurement
Reading Literature: Finding main idea, theme, characters emotions, inferences, plot. Informational Text: Text features, compare and contrast, propaganda, main ideas, fact or opinion. Foundations/Vocabulary: Spelling, Pre-fix, suffixes, latin/greek root words. Accelerated Reader
Social Studies Geography Economy History of Michigan Civics/Government
Science Earth in Space and Time Heat Electric Circuits Conductive and Reflective Properties Organization of Living Things Matter/Magnets
Field Trips Michigan Historic Museum Lugnuts Kids Day Green Field Village/Henry Ford Museum
NWEA http://www.nwea.org/support/article/930 Testing in August, December, May MAP RIT Scores Goals What is a quartile? Printed Reports for Parents
Website/Contact information fourthgradewpca.weebly.com Click on your child’s teacher for their personal website. Teacher Emails 27.jdennings@heritageacademies.com 27.rhubble@heritageacademies.com 27.svannorman@heritageacademies.com