The Sentences That Makes Our Lifes More Easily
Turkish Adın nedir? English What is your name? Germany Wie heisst du?
Turkish Nerelisin? English Where are you from? Germany Woher kommst du?
Turkish Öğrenci misiniz? English Are you student? Germany Sind Sie Student?
Turkish Sonra görüşürüz. English See you later. Germany Wir sehen uns spater.
Turkish Saat kaç? English What time is it? Germany Wie spät ist es?
Turkish English Germany En yakın market nerede? Where is the most near market? Germany Wo ist der nächste Supermarkt?
Turkish English Germany Otobüs ne zaman gelir? When does the bus come? Wann kommt der Bus?
Turkish English Germany Telefonunu kullanabilir miyim? Can I use your phone? Germany Kann ich dein Handy verwenden?
Turkish Acıktım. English I am hungry. Germany Ich habe hunger.
Turkish English Germany Yemek yemek için lokantaya gidelim mi? Shall we go to restaurant for eating? Germany Gehen wir zum Restaurant zum Essen?
Turkish İşsizim. English I'm unemployd. Germany İch bin arbeitslos.
Turkish English Germany Önümüzdeki durakta inebilir miyim? Can I get off at the next stop? Germany Kann ich an der nächsten Haltestelle aussteigen?
Turkish English Germany Bunun fiyatı ne kadar? How much does it cost? Was kostet das?
Turkish English Germany En yakın hastane nerededir ? Where is the most near hospital ? Germany Wo ist das næhste Krankenhaus ?
Turkish English Germany Kaç yaşındasın? How old are you? Wie alt bist du?
Turkish English Germany Where should I be there? Saat kaçta orada olmalıyım? English Where should I be there? Germany Wie viele stunden sollte ich da sein?
Turkish English Germany Kahvaltı saat kaçta? What time is breakfast? Wann gibt es Frühstück?