What is acrobatic rock ‘n’ roll? Acrobatic rock ‘n’ roll is a very athletic, competitive form of dance. It is a choreographed dance designed for performance. It is danced in groups or couples. It is a very fast and physicaslly demanding dance. It is considered ‘the sport of the 21st century’.
About acrobatic rock ‘n’ roll... An acrobatic dance of course contains acrobatics, but they are allowed only to dancers older than 14 years. Rock and roll dance works on the 4/4 measure. Also, due to speed traditional rock and roll music has been replaced by modern disco and pop music.
About acrobatic rock ‘n’ roll... Currently advanced tournament dancers don't wear petticoats and jeans - as the original rock and roll dancers did - but rather multi-coloured costumes that are made of elastic artificial fibre and can only be purchased as individual pieces by special tailors. One reason for that is that acrobatic elements have grown more and more dangerous, requiring both freedom of movement and enough durability to avoid tearing.
The World Rock’n’Roll Confederation The World Rock’n’Roll Confederation is the organization that takes care of national and international rules and guidelines for tournaments. They organize the World Cups, European championships and World championships that occur every year for couples and formations. All international competitors are ranked according to points acquired during competitions.
Becoming an olympic sport The future for acrobatic rock ’n’ roll seems bright, the hope and main goal is to have the dance as a part of the Olympic games within the near future.
These are all the dancers on my practice These are all the dancers on my practice. They all go to the schools nearby and are all members of my club – ARRK Megarock. Our biggest accomplishment so far is the 3rd place in Zagreb.
Members of my group with our coach Me and my coach
I love acrobatic rock ‘n’ roll... I love acrobatic rock ‘n’ roll because it is distressing for my mind. It is also a dance that you need a lot of energy for, but it’s worth it in the end – when the choreography is all done and when you win competitions. I find it relaxing because of the music that is played while dancing.