CBS TECO 2016-Guangzhou,China November 21-22,2016 Xi GUO, Biao WANG 1GuiZhou Provincial Meteorological Administrator Information Center Background SHE MODEL In the background of big data era, it brings great opportunities and challenges to NMHS information service. In the past, researchers simulated the regional hydrological process by hydrological model, and evaluated the dynamic performance, so as to provide the effective prediction and evaluation method based on the data of terrain, weather, vegetation, precipitation, soil freezing. However, due to the isolate island effect of information system and industry data barrier, the hydrological process simulation can not be accurate because of the incomplete data parameters. The poster mainly present several Hydro-Meteorological models. Firstly, it analyzes the characteristics of meteorological and hydrological data. Secondly, introduces the simulation and prediction of runoff about the traditional hydrological model systems: HBV model, SWAT model, SHE model and so on. In the future, we can research from the following several aspects about hydrological law in big data mining, runoff theory method, and the cloud stage of real-time efficient forecasting technology. We mentioned several research direction in our technical report, which you can refer in detail. The sub module of SHE includes evapotranspiration, interception, overland flow and river flow, non saturated flow, snow melting and the exchange between river and aquifer. Basic structure of SHE model: Evapotran -spiration Rain and snow Canopy Interception Snowmelt Overland flow and river runoff Root zone model HBV MODEL Here we briefly introduce the design of flood modules. Sweden adopted new spillway design and calculation method, and analyze flood design simulation in detail, BIG DATA WITH SWAT MODEL The hydrological cycle of SWAT model is divided into two parts, which are the main channel and reservoir. SWAT model is used to calculate runoff, soil moisture, groundwater and concentration of channel process. The command control flow chart of the model is as follows: SWAT MODEL SWAT is a watershed scale model developed by the US Department of Agricultural Research Center USDA-ARS. The purpose of the model development is to predict of long-term land management influences on water, sediment and agricultural pollutants in complex watersheds with a variety of soil, land use and management conditions. Changes in atmosphere: Composition, Circulation Changes in Hydrological Cycle Changes in solar input N2,O2,Ar, H2O,CO2,CH4, N2O,O3,etc Terrestrial Radiation Atmosphere-Biosphere Interaction Heat Exchange Changes in the Land Surface: Orography,Land Use,Vegetation, Ecosystem Precipitation Evaporation Hydrosphere Ocean,River,Lakes CBS TECO-2016– Guangzhou, China – 21-22Nov 2016