Acceptable Use Policy for Pupils We expect all children to act responsibly online and adhere to our school rules when using Laptops or iPads on the internet. These rules are in place to keep the internet a fun, interactive, informative and safe place. When using the internet at school I promise to: Only log on to websites I have been told to. Only use Usernames and Passwords given to me by an adult. Keep private information private. Not click on things I am not sure about. I will tell a teacher instead. Tell any adult if I see anything I don’t like on the internet. When I am using the schools equipment I won’t: Go on websites that I have been told not too or don’t have permission to access. Play games I have not been told too. Access other peoples files without the permission of the owner. Attempt to download or upload anything without permission. Attempt to access any form of social media (Facebook, Twitter, AskFM, etc) If I break these rules I understand that I will have to face the consequence. I may not be allowed on the laptop or iPads again without an adult watching me. I may not be able to use the school’s equipment to do the fun activities my friends do. When I do use iPads or Laptops I will always: Do what the adults in the class tell me. Have fun and enjoy the wonderful resources that are available online. Learn new things and develop my knowledge of the world. Follow instructions carefully. Report any concerns or problems to a teacher. I am a child at Catherine Wayte and I agree to all the statements above: Name:____________________________________ Date:_____________________________________ Signature:_________________________________