Julie McDonald And Alli Hicks Criminal Profiling Julie McDonald And Alli Hicks
Criminal Profiling The analysis of the behavior and circumstances associated with serious crimes in an effort to identify characteristics of the perpetrator. It is used especially in cases of serial murder or rape. Can provide the perpetrators “personality”, sex, age, ethnic background, and possible physical features such as height and weight. Personality- the complex of all the attributes, behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental. Requirements to become a criminal profiler 3 years service as an FBI agent Successful ones have 10 years of service Experience investigating sexual and violent crimes Degree in forensic science or psychology
Criminal Profiler -What is a Criminal Profiler? Identifies the perpetrator of a crime based on an analysis of the nature of the offence and the manner in which it was committed. Analyzing the crime scene and using information to identify the perpetrator.
Investigating Antecedent: What fantasy, plan, or both the criminal has before the crime? What was the trigger? Method and Manner: What type of victim? Shooting? Stabbing? Strangulation? Body Disposal: Where the criminal put the body. All at one scene? Or multiple? Post offense behavior: Reaction to investigation or reporters.
Steps during Investigation Profiling Inputs: A collection of all evidence: anything found on the scene (fibers, paint chips) and anything taken from the crime scene (photographs, investigator notes, measurements). Decision Process Models: Evidence is arranged to locate any types of patterns: whether or not the crime is part of a series of crimes, what the victims have in common, etc. Crime Assessment: The crime scene is reconstructed. Investigators use patterns to determine what happened in what order, and what role each victim or weapon had in the crime.
Steps during Investigating cont. Criminal Profile: The profilers use the first three steps and incorporate the motives, physical qualities, and personality of the perpetrator. Also, the investigators use this information to decide on the best way to interview the suspects based on their personality. The Investigation: The profile is given to investigators and to organizations that may have data leading to the identification of a suspect. The profile may be reassessed if no leads are found or if new information is learned. The Apprehension: This stage only occurs in about 50% of cases. When a suspect is identified, he/she is interviewed, investigated, and compared to the profile. If the investigators have reason to believe that the suspect is the perpetrator, a warrant is obtained for the arrest of the individual, then followed by a trial with expert witnesses.
A Real Criminal Profiler! Pat Brown Dr. Schurman-Kauflin Profiled the BTK serial killer Richard Walter and Bob Keppel New way of profiling (HITS data base) Began grouping serial murderers in groups, threading them together to catch notorious serial killers Ted Bundy and the Green River Killer. John Douglas and Robert Ressler Became pillars of profiling in the FBI Ressler founded the National Center for Analysis of Violent Crimes David Canter Profiled the Railway Killer 13/17 proclamations of the perpetrator were accurate.
Cases BTK Serial Killer Case- Dennis Rader “Bind, Torture, Kill” Murdered 10 people between 1974 and 1991 Criminal profiling was used in this case for 30 years. BTK left clues at each of his murder scenes which linked them all together. He would “brag” to television stations about his murders and terrified the public in Wichita KA. He wanted to be known. Write letters to public Send poems to victims publicly wanting people to recognize him. Signatures from letters ultimately gave up BTK’s identity All of these clues lead the police to discover who BTK was after 30 years of killing.
Cases Casey Anthony “Dark Damsel” Criminal profiler Dr. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin studied Casey She is ignoring the disappearance of her 2 year old Caylee Anthony. “If you clutter the truth with enough of what is false, no on can tell what is real” Female offenders are extremely good at making people do what they want. Especially men. She can seduce him and lead him in circles, and when she fails she can kill him. “seduce-circle-kill” She says Casey is desperate for attention and wanted excitement. If they keep following her the lies will come out and the true story will be revealed. No one knows what happened to Caylee yet, but it is clear that Casey did not put her children first when she first disappeared. She did not help police to help find her child, then lied when people said that the public was missing Caylee more than she was to look like the victim. Dr. Schurman-Kauflin says if Casey’s behavior is followed the truth behind the disappearance will be determined.