Jeff Marcus NC Longleaf Pine Restoration Director The Nature Conservancy: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant update Jeff Marcus NC Longleaf Pine Restoration Director
NFWF Longleaf Stewardship Fund A public/private partnership to fund longleaf restoration Started with Longleaf Legacy Program in 2004 and has provided $8.7 million
TNC- 1st grant in 2012 Expansion of seasonal fire crew Contract tree planting, mid-story control, fire lines Enabled partner assists for burning
TNC- 1st grant in 2012 9,662 acres burned 496 acres longleaf planted 891 acres mid-story control 82 acres understory planting 99 acres invasive control
TNC 2nd grant in 2014 6,472 acres burned to date 326 acres overstory thinning 303 acres longleaf planting 1,720 acres mid-story reduction TSI contract for Carver’s Creek Private landowner prioritization and outreach
Private Landowner Outreach Partner with National Wild Turkey Federation Meetings to coordinate among partners Priority landowner map Focal area 50 ac min Reserve Design Proximity Size Categorize landowners Appropriate property? In conservation program? Need help implementing plan? Plans/assistance for 10 landowners
TNC 2016 proposal Continue seasonal burn crew Invasive & midstory work at Weymouth Woods & Carver’s Creek Workshop on Ecological Burning- May 2017 Longleaf Academy- understory & herbicide Longleaf Alliance Burn Academy- aimed at Prescribed Burn Associations
TNC staff responsible for this work Matthew Moskwik Mike Norris Gretchen Coll Katie Sauerbrey