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USPTO Trademark Home Page 1
Trademark Searching Example: I have a band. I want to protect the name of my band with a trademark. I want to name my band the “Sun Kings” 2
First, find out what International Classification of trademarks, bands would fall in 3
Musical bands fall under Class 041 6
At the USPTO homepage, start our search 7
“Basic Word Mark Search” for words only 8
But we are interested in if there are bands with the name Sun Kings So we want to go to the structured search and add International Class 41 to our search 11
Searching “sun kings” AND International Class 041 as a “Coordinated Class” (be sure to change the Operator from OR to AND) 12
There are 10 hits, but only one of them is “Live” 13
Unfortunately, the Live trademark is also in Class 041. Would there be a likelihood of confusion between a Sun King Dance company and a rock & roll band called Sun Kings? What about a marquee at a auditorium that reads Sun King Dance ? Could someone think that it was a dance with the band the Sun Kings playing? 14
One could contact Sun King Dance and negotiate with them. Also, one can click on TSDR to see all the “paperwork” that Sun King Dance filled out in obtaining their trademark. 15
After clicking on TSDR, at the next page click on “Documents” 16
One of the “Dead” registrations was actually a band. Notice that in addition to Class 41, they had also registered for Class 009 – CD’s, etc. 17
Logos and Designs. What if I want to trademark a variety of whine I am making that I want to call “Pink Panda” 18
The International Class for wine is
For images of pandas go back to our list of searching types and in the Structured search box, click on Design Search Code Manua l Design Search Code Manua l 20
Choose Keyword Search Then search the word sun 21
The Design Code for pandas is
So we can then search for the design code for pandas – and the words “Pink Panda” 23
24 Neither of the two Live trademark registrations using the name “Pink Panda” and the image of a panda are in Class 033, which is the Class that includes wine
We should also try searching “Pink Panda” in Class 033 and its Coordinated Classes without any design 25
26 The only Live trademark of Pink Panda and Coordinated Classes of 033 has to do with Live Plants and would most likley not be confused with a wine.
Trademark held by WIU 27
Trademark Process Page
Trademark Electronic Application Page 29