Water Treatment
Water & Wastewater Treatment Plants (Community) Water Treatment Facts: Water & Wastewater Treatment Plants (Community)
Steps to Water Treatment Coagulation Sedimentation Filtration Disinfection Storage
1. Coagulation Removal of dirt and other large particles that are found in the water. Aluminum and other chemicals are added in order to form “floc” (tiny sticky particles) which attract dirt particles.
2. Sedimentation The heavy particles (floc) settle to the bottom. The clear water on top is moved to filtration.
3. Filtration Water is passed through different filtration products to help remove smaller particles that are still in the water. Such as layers of: Sand Gravel Charcoal
4. Disinfection A small amount of chlorine or some other disinfection is added to the water to kill any microorganisims that may be in the water. More recently, some treatment plants have started using UV radiation to purify water.
5. Storage Water is placed in a closed tank or reservoir in order for disinfection to take place. The water then flows through pipes to homes and businesses in the community.
Water and You! The water Treatment Process Watch Video HERE
Well & Septic Systems (Personal) Water Treatment Facts: Well & Septic Systems (Personal)
Septic System Pipe from House: Pipe that takes all the wastewater from the house to the septic tank. Septic Tank: Holds wastewater long enough to allow solids to settle and oils to float the surface. Solid materials will decompose over time. Drainfield: When wastewater enters the septic tank, the same amount of water exits into the drainfield. Soil: Water percolates into the soil and is filtered naturally.
Well Casing: A tube in the ground that prevents the hole from collapsing and contains the pump and pipes to allow water to come to the surface. Screen: Is attached to the bottom of the well to prevent sand and gravel from entering the well. Pump: Brings water up the hole and pushes it to the house. Pressure Tank: Is located in the home. It stores water and distributes it throughout the house evenly.