4/28 & 4/29 - 7th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Snails & insects Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking 210 – 211 Video: Life in the Undergrowth Textbook Reading 436 – 438 HW: Reading Notetaking 212 – 213
Reflection Prompt: Write 3 facts that you know about mollusks.
What are Arthropods? Arthro = “Jointed” Pod = “Foot” Insects Spiders Scorpions Lobster Crab Shrimp Centepedes
Comparing Arthropods
What are Crustaceans? two or three body sections five or more pairs of legs two pairs of antennae.
What is Metamorphosis? Process in which an animal’s body undergoes dramatic changes during its life cycle This is a picture of a Crab Larva
Some arthropods have blue blood Horseshoe crabs have blue blood The have hemocyanin (which contains copper) instead of hemoglobin (which contains iron) in their blood They are more closely related to spiders and scorpions Has not changed much in 450 million years
What are Arachnids? Ticks, Mites, Scorpions & Spiders two body sections four pairs of legs
Which type of animal is most numerous in the world? Insects! 73% of all animal species are insects. Which type of animal is most numerous in the world?
What are the characteristics of insects? Invertebrates (Doesn’t have a backbone) Exoskeleton (Exo = outside, skeleton) Arthropod (Arthro = jointed, Pod = Leg) 3 pairs of legs 1 pair of antennae Most insects have wings
What are Insect’s Three Body Sections? Head Thorax Abdomen
What is found on an insect’s Head? Head: Most of an insect’s sense organs, such as the eyes, mouth and antennae, are located on the head.
What is found on an insect’s Thorax? Thorax: An insect’s midsection is the section to which wings and legs are attached.
What is found on an insect’s Abdomen? Abdomen: Inside the abdomen are many of the insect’s internal and sexual organs. Small holes on the outside of the abdomen allow air, which contains oxygen, to enter the body.
How big is the world’s largest Insect Titan Beetle 7 inches long
Can you spot an insect here? Dead Leaf mantis Sand Grasshopper
Can you spot an insect here? Walking stick insect Grasshopper