Voltage tap layout and quench antenna options for the long QXF magnet M. Marchevsky, LBNL Apr 7, 2015
MQXF-L Vtap scheme proposal 6 voltage taps per layer Monitoring splices, multi-turns, pole turns and the ramp Only 2 taps (A4-A5) and (B4-B5) per each pole turn Quench antenna is a primary signal source for the axial quench localization Amount and locations of the QA sensors are to be determined
Quench antenna: earlier decisions Meeting on Oct 30, 2014 notes: • Different quench antenna options were discussed for SXQF and LQXF magnets. New quench antenna will be developed for LQXF magnets. The same quench antenna could be used in future for testing production magnets. SQXF will be used for testing the new quench antennas. • Quench Antenna with 3 coil segments available at Fermilab will be used for testing short SQXF magnets. • New Quench Antennas will be developed with two different options for installation: one in the warm finger (so called warm QA) and another one on the coil or in the cold area around the warm finger. • As an option #1 HD-style “warm” quench antenna design will be optimized for LQXF coils and for a possible use in production magnets as well. Action item on the QA: Optimize HD-style QA design for LQXF coils. Compare performance of “warm” and “cold” QA (Maxim)
QA option for the cold space Original HQ-style cold space antenna Proposed MQXF-L cold space antenna Extension of the HQ design to a longer length Single layer coils are possible, as quench signals were shown to be quite large Number od sensor stations and their separation is to be defined 150+150 turns of 0.2 mm diameter copper wire in a 9.5 mm wide groove (2-layer coils); dipole-bucked Sensors are 120 mm apart Tube wall thickness ~ 5 mm
QA option for the warm finger Original HD-style warm bore antenna Proposed MQXF-L warm bore antenna . Axial sections (A) End sections (B) x Sectorial 2-layer PCB coils, dipole-bucked Both coil types (axial and end-section) can be realized in this geometry by properly interconnecting the top and bottom layers of the PCB Antenna sections can be monitored using built-in multiplexers to minimize number of signal wires Modular design for easy transport and re-assembly 120+120 turns of 0.2 mm diameter copper wire Sensors are 143 mm apart Tube OD is 23.8 mm.