Metacognition & Higher Order Thinking Skills


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Presentation transcript:

Metacognition & Higher Order Thinking Skills Bloom’s Taxonomy Metacognition & Higher Order Thinking Skills

What is Bloom’s Taxonomy? Synthesis/Creation Higher Order Thinking Evaluation Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge

Why is Bloom’s Taxonomy important to me? 7 Survival Skills for the 21st Century (“Rigor Redefined” by Tony Wagner) #1: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Defined: The ability to ask good questions.

Higher Order Thinking No memorization We must do something with the facts we discover This is where Bloom’s Taxonomy comes in….

Bloom’s Taxonomy: A Closer Look Creating: Generating new ideas or ways of viewing things. Evaluating: Make judgments about the value of ideas or materials. Analyzing: Separates materials or concepts into component parts so that its organizational structure is understood. Applying: Use a concept /idea in a new situation; applies classroom knowledge to workplace. Understanding: Understand the meaning, translation and interpretation of problems. Remembering: shows the ability to recall facts, terms, basic concepts and answers.

Bloom’s Taxonomy in Action Let’s use “The Butter Battle Book”…. Creating: Create an alternate ending to the book where it does not end peacefully. Evaluating: What advice would you give the narrator regarding his part in the ever-increasing weapons battle? Analyzing: Compare and contrast the Yooks and the Zooks in relation to the two sides of the Cold War: Democracy & Communism. Applying: Predict what would happen if one side fired on the other. Understanding: How would you summarize the conflict between the Yooks and the Zooks? Remembering: How does the author describe the Zooks?

So…now what? 1.) You will be writing questions based on Bloom’s Taxonomy regularly from your reading of The Kite Runner for our Socratic Seminars. 2) For practice today, as you read, I want you to write 1 question from the following levels. Then explain why your question exemplifies this level. 1 Level 1 Question 1 Level 3 Question 1 Level 5 Question

Examples Remembering: How does the author describe the Zooks? This is a model question for level 1 Remembering because the question asks the person(s) responding to recall specifically how the Zooks were described. Applying: Predict what would happen if one side fired on another. This is a model question for level 3 Applying because it asks the person(s) responding to apply knowledge about the Yooks and the Zooks and The Cold War. Evaluating: What advice would you give the narrator regarding his part in the ever-increasing weapons battle? This is a model question for level 5 Evaluating because the question asks the person(s) responding to provide advice that evaluates the situation and the narrator’s part in ever-increasing weapon’s battle.